New on Subsail: Powerful subscriber filtering and ordering

Understand your subscriber base better with Subsail’s new tools.

Dan Rowden
2 min readJul 25, 2017



Before today, the only way to navigate your subscriber and subscriptions list pages was search. This was very restricting and not really useful. What if you wanted to see how many subscriptions you sold to subscribers in the US in the past 3 months, or view a list of subscribers who have spent more than $100?

Subsail’s new filters let you easily set up powerful queries on your data (both your subscriber and subscription lists), allowing you quickly see specific lists of data.

Some examples:

  • subscription orders from Germany
  • subscribers who have spent more than $100
  • subscriptions made in the last month which have been cancelled
  • subscribers from the UK who started with issue 10
  • gift subscriptions containing 4 issues, sold on Squarespace
Filter options on subscriptions.

Filtering gives you an amazing way to view your subscriber base, in a way you’ve probably never been able to do before.

Column ordering

Ordering subscribers by lifetime value

Your subscriber and subscription tables can now also be ordered by different columns, like lifetime value and number of subscriptions (subscriber table), or date ordered (subscriptions table).

Column ordering provides another way to browse and sort your data, and makes viewing your data much easier and clearer.

New data points

While building filters and column ordering, it made sense to add two new data points.

Livetime value

You can now see each subscriber’s LTV (life time value), which totals money spent across subscriptions and displays the value in your current currency.


Subscriptions can now be marked as complimentary (a “comp”), a popular term used by publishers to specify free subscriptions. This field is available as a column when importing CSV data, and also when editing subscriptions (click the “Manage subscription” link). Comped subscriptions are denoted by a star icon in your account.



Dan Rowden

Developer, writer, podcaster. Blogger at & Magazine reader, father.