Odyssey Journal | November 2022

Welcome to our November Ecosystem Update!

Autonomys Network
Autonomys Network
6 min readNov 9, 2022



  • Gemini II concluded on October 25, at approximately 4 pm UTC at block at #701,019
  • Gemini II Recap: 27.3k+ concurrent live nodes, distributed across 60+ countries, and 1.3 PB+ space pledged
  • Combined total of 0.55% of token supply allocated to qualified reward addresses for Gemini II (conditions apply)
  • Released Gemini II reward distribution list and guide to checking balances
  • Received 1.6k+ applications for the next cohort of ambassadors

Gemini II Recap

Following a month of rigorous testing, the Gemini II Incentivized Testnet came to a close on October 25, at 4 pm UTC at block #701,019 with 27.3k+ concurrent live nodes distributed across 60+ countries, a new record for our network.

Gemini II Stats

  • 27.3k+ concurrent live nodes
  • 60+ countries
  • 1.3 PB+ space pledged

The Subspace Network community is at the heart of everything we do, so we want to thank everyone for the continued support and contribution, putting us on the map as one of the most decentralized blockchain networks in the world.

Gemini II Rewards

A total of 0.55% of the token supply has been unlocked for Gemini II farmers. As promised, the 0.05% will be distributed equally to all qualified reward addresses with at least 0.5 tSSC, and the 0.5% will be distributed proportionally to the amount of tSSC farmed to reward addresses with at least 3 tSSC (Gemini II balance only).

Rewards Breakdown

  • Start Block: #203,099
  • End Block: #701,019
  • Number of addresses qualified to receive portion of 0.05% (>=0.5 tSSC): 87,152
  • Number of addresses qualified to receive portion of 0.5% (>=3 tSSC): 37,663

Please take a look at the Gemini II Incentivized Testnet reward list for a complete view of how rewards will be distributed. The last valid block for Gemini II was block #701,019, on October 25, at approximately 4 pm UTC. If you kept your node running after that, you likely have a higher tSSC balance in your wallet, but those credits earned are not counted since they were farmed after we announced the end of Gemini II. To check the accurate balance of tSSC that counted towards qualifying for Gemini II Rewards, please check out this quick tutorial.

How to Stay Involved until Gemini III

Behind the scenes, the core contributors are working diligently to build the Subspace Network into the largest decentralized network in blockchain history. As a team that is wholeheartedly dedicated to building a truly decentralized and permissionless community network, we love seeing everyone’s feedback. While we work towards the launch of Gemini III, we want you to stay active in our community and keep in touch with us!

Ways to Stay Involved:

  • Stay in touch with us by attending our Office Hours and Twitter Spaces (both recurring bi-weekly)
  • Follow us on Twitter and share our updates by retweeting!
  • Participate in community events, contests, and other activities hosted by the Subspace Network Ambassadors — next community call is on November 19 at 5:30 pm UTC.
  • If you enjoy contributing to the Subspace Network Ecosystem and would like to translate our content into your local language, reach out to us!
  • We want to grow our presence in South America, India, China, Africa and more. If you love virtual events and community collaborations, please reach out!

Ambassador Program

We received over 1.6k+ applications for the next cohort of ambassadors! The Subspace Network Ambassador team is working tirelessly to review every single application we received. Candidates who made it to the next step should have received an email. Ambassador candidates who pass screening and the initial trial phase will qualify for a token grant commensurate with the seniority level in the program. You can find all the details about the Subspace Network Ambassador Program here.

We strongly believe in building a widely distributed community with many self-organized clusters all over the world. Our Ambassador Program is a critical component of the ecosystem that will help us accelerate the process of realizing our vision.

By the end of 2023, we plan to onboard at least a few hundred ambassadors worldwide. While every member of our community plays a vital role in the network, the selection process for the Ambassador Program is very competitive and rigorous to ensure we set a high bar from the beginning.

We received over 1,600 applications in the past month, but will only be able to select around 50 new ambassador candidates (apprentices) at this time. Although the application deadline for the next cohort of ambassadors recently closed, there will be many more opportunities to apply for the Ambassador Program in the coming months and years.

Subspace Network Community Twitter! 🎉

Our Ambassadors have been working hard to build fun projects for our community members 🧑‍🌾 They recently organized two projects for the community.

Project #1https://twitter.com/ClubSubspace

@ClubSubspace is a totally community-run Twitter account. It will share educational content and host contests with prizes for winners. This brings us to our next project 👀

Project #2 — A meme contest with rewards!

The contest took place on the @ClubSubspace Twitter account with special rewards reserved for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The Ambassadors were able to secure the first NFT prize for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners: Early Access “Ruby Passes” to the upcoming Play-to-earn RPG game — Big Time https://bigtime.gg/

Make sure to cast your vote for the winners in the Subspace Network Discord server by November 11!


Subspace Network Twitter Space with Manta Network!

Tune in for our Twitter Space with Manta Network Co-founder, Kenny Li, as a part of our Multichain Series.

  • Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022
  • Time: 6 pm UTC / 1 pm ET / 10 am PT
  • Place: Twitter Spaces @NetworkSubspace

Subspace Network Office Hours (bi-weekly)

The core contributors of the Subspace Network hold Office Hours in our Discord server to answer any questions from the community. Office Hours is a great place to ask questions directly to the team

Subspace Network Community Call

Join the Community Call hosted by the Subspace Network Ambassadors. Our Lead Ambassadors are coordinating the call to present updates on several initiatives they’re spearheading and to open up the floor for community discussion on various topics related to bootstrapping the Subspace Network ecosystem.

Subspace Network YouTube Channel

All engineering meetings are recorded and uploaded to the Subspace Network official YouTube channel for full transparency. You can follow the progress of the core contributors each week!

All Engineering Channels Moved to Slack

All engineering channels in Discord will no longer be active going forward. Communication with the Subspace Network engineering team is now happening on Slack.

The Slack channel is open to the public — if you want to participate in engineering-related discussions and keep up with updates, please fill out a short form, and wait for an email invitation: https://forms.gle/Yo8onAJj1TwyoMcg7

Subspace Network Forum

The Subspace Network forum (https://forum.subspace.network/) is the official technical support channel. On Discord, we will try to help on a best effort basis but expect it to be primarily peer-to-peer. So please be courteous to all community ambassadors and volunteers who dedicate their precious time to help others.

We’re Hiring!

If you’re passionate about blockchain, crypto, or Web3 and interested in making an impact, please check out the open roles on our career page.

Thank you for the continued support and we look forward to seeing you in our community!



Autonomys Network
Autonomys Network

The radical autonomy network for human and artificial intelligence (H+AI)