Developing Blockchain Indexers (Part 1): Smart contracts for noobs

Anton Bernatskiy
SQD Blog
Published in
8 min readJan 3, 2023

In my previous post, I wrote about what blockchain indexers are and compared the experience of local indexer deployment for two popular frameworks — Subsquid and The Graph. In this post, the first one in “Developing Blockchain Indexers” series, I will discuss the process of developing simple indexers using the same pair of frameworks, including the investigations that have to be done before or during the development process.

My first task was to index the blockchain data on liquidations happening on the AAVE lending platform. I went in as a complete newbie, without proficiency in smart contracts or the AAVE protocol. I began by skimming over the Subsquid tutorials. All of them follow the same top-down structure — define a database schema for the data you want, then get your data. However, being a complete newbie, I did not know what data is safe to want. Or, in this particular case, what can possibly be known about an AAVE liquidation. So I turned the approach upside down and began by taking a look at the involved smart contracts. But first I had to get up to speed with how smart contracts operate and what kind of data they store on chain. This post summarizes my findings and tells the story of me applying them to AAVE liquidations.

Disclaimer: this post is sponsored by Subsquid.

Prerequisites: browser, Internet access.
Dependencies: none.
Difficulty: intermediate.


Smart contracts are pieces of software that run on a blockchain. In practice that means that they are run on nodes of a blockchain network, but unlike regular code the nodes reach consensus on the code being executed, its input and any results of the computation. That makes it irrelevant which node actually ended up executing the code. It becomes a property of a blockchain as a whole rather than a property of any particular node.

The most popular blockchain implementing smart contracts is Ethereum. Many other chains strive to be compatible with it. It also hosts AAVE, the lending platform that I aim to get data from. For these reasons from here on I will only talk about smart contracts on Ethereum. Smart contracts that you might find on other chains will likely look and behave in a similar way.

Smart contracts are deployed by users by making a special transaction. A user attaches the contract binary code to the transaction, pays a gas fee and poof — a contract is created. It gets its own address similar to that of a user. From here on, users and other contracts can call its methods — chunks of contract code identified by their call signatures. To call a contract method, user — again — sends it a transaction, attaching the encoded call signature and argument values as input data. The contract may, in turn, make its own transactions, including calls of methods of other contracts.

Method calls can emit events — log entries in a special format that are saved onto the blockchain. Each such entry consists of zero to four topics and a data section. Topics are 32-byte binary blobs that are used to lookup and filter events efficiently and event data is just an arbitrary length binary blob attached to the log entry. Most events behave as special functions that can be called from within the methods and that do nothing but encode their argument values into a blob and write the log entry with the blob as its data. The signature of such a special function is called event name. For any event emitted by any such function the first topic is set to the hash of the function’s signature. This allows those who know an event name to filter out all events with this name and decode their data sections to reconstruct the values of arguments of the event-emitting special function.

Contracts may have state, meaning that method calls can cause some data to be stored onto the blockchain and that this data can change the execution of subsequent calls. Typically, a single service involves multiple contracts performing different duties. One common pattern (which I learned the hard way, as you’ll see) is to have two separate contracts, with one (“proxy”) holding state but little actual code and the other (“implementation”) holding all the contract logic but no state. Contracts can also be split along logical lines, allowing for modularity. For example, for services that handle multiple token types it is common to have a separate smart contract for state and/or logic specific to every supported token. A document describing all contracts involved in a service and protocols for their interaction is called a service protocol. AAVE is a service protocol used by the service whose front end is at

Here are some of the resources I found useful while figuring all of this out:

And of course many thanks to Etherscan for their amazing resource that allows observing how smart contracts operate in the wild.

Finding liquidations data in contracts

For the task at hand, the first step was to figure out which data is stored onto the chain when a liquidation happens. It should be clear by now that there are only three types of traces that might be left — transactions triggering the execution of contract methods, events that the contracts might emit and public contract state changes. Out of these three, events are by far the easiest to work with, but they aren’t always available.

To find out what is available for AAVE I looked at its documentation. There I found a detailed description of the service protocol and even a reference implementation for its latest version, V3, in Solidity. Debt liquidation is a procedure that is central to functioning of any lending platform, so I figured that I might find the traces in some of the core smart contracts of the service. I began by searching for methods that might be related to liquidation. Methods are function s in Solidity, so I included that keyword as well:

This returns three pages of results, most of which are clearly intended for internal use or for preparing for the deed, with declarations like setLiquidationBonus() and isLiquidationAllowed(). But there were three results that looked like methods that can actually be called to perform the liquidation:

The search for events included the event keyword and returned just two relevant results leading to identical definitions:

I could track liquidations by finding all transactions calling the liquidationCall methods. However, since there are special events that are supposed to announce liquidations to the network, I chose to use these.

At this point I set out to find the smart contract that emits LiquidationCall events within the infrastructure of the AAVE lending service, with the only lead being that its name will likely include "aave" and "pool".

Finding the right contract

I tried three different approaches while searching for the right contract. Listing them all because the readers may need any of them.

  1. Addresses of the contracts can sometimes be found in documentation of their respective projects. In case of AAVE only the protocol is documented, not any of its deployments.
  2. Etherscan maintains incomplete lists of contracts associated with larger projects. They can be looked up directly on Etherscan by project name (requires free registration) or found with Google. Google search for aave pool contract actually returns the etherscan page of the contract I wanted as the second search result. However, I missed it because I did not yet know about proxy contracts at this point. More on that later.
  3. Finally, I took the approach which I consider a “silver bullet” for this issue: I used the service and traced the resulting transactions. After connecting my Metamask wallet on the AAVE app page I clicked “Supply” and deposited some ether. While confirming the transaction I saw the address of the contract that my wallet was going to interact with:

The address pointed to this contract. I looked at its internal transactions and found that it talks a lot to AAVE: Lending Pool V2, the contract from the Google search.

There was, however, an issue with this contract. When I tried downloading its ABI — a bundle of signatures of events and methods that is necessary to interface with the contract — I found no mentions of LiquidationCall events inside, or any of the event names I previously saw in IPool.sol. Instead, there just a few methods with upgrade and proxy in their names. And that's when I noticed The Button:

After clicking it I saw the following message:

And that was how I found the LendingPool implementation contract. Turned out that the AAVE Lending Pool V2 contract was a proxy which held state and handled upgrades, while the actual contract logic lived at this address. ABI I downloaded for this contract did contain a call signature for LiquidationCalls, but the events were actually emitted not by this contract, but by the proxy. I checked that by visiting the "Events" tab on the proxy contract page and observing that other events defined alongside LiquidationCall were regularly emitted there. The only reason I did not see any LiquidationCall s was because those are fairly rare.


At this point I knew that I need to scrape the data about LiquidationCall events (or more precisely LiquidationCall(address,address,address,uint256,uint256,address,bool) - remember that events are identified by their full signatures) emitted by contract 0x7d2768de32b0b80b7a3454c06bdac94a69ddc7a9 aka AAVE Lending Pool V2. Hopefully the story of how I got there helps someone to unearth their own blockchain findings without spending as much time as I did.

In the next post I will use this knowledge to develop indexers powered by Subsquid and The Graph.

