Pictured: Jordon Hom. Mt. SAC journalism transfer student, currently studying Communication at Cal State Long Beach.

Am I Proud to Be An American?

A much needed rant

Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2020


Am I proud to be an American?
I honestly can’t say that I am.
How can I say that I am proud to be an American
While my brothers and sisters of color
Die in the streets
Fighting for their god-given rights?

When a black man is choked to death
By an officer of the law
Who is supposed to protect and serve?
When a black man is outright hunted
And gunned down in the street
As he went for a jog
Not too far from his own neighborhood?

When a black woman who saves lives
While putting hers on the line
Is murdered in her own home by police
Looking for a man already in custody?
How can I say that I am proud to be an American
When a human being is a target
Because of the color of their skin?
How can I say that I am proud to be an American
When systemic racism still exists
And runs deep within the nation’s soil,
Along with the blood of the slaves
Who built this country?

Because of all this
I can’t say that I am proud to be an American.

But there are reasons to be proud.
I can say that I am proud to be an American
Because of the movement in motion.
Because of the voices being heard.
Because of the change being fought for.
I can say that I am proud to be an American
Because of the citizens exercising their rights
And fighting for the equality they deserve.

I can say that I am proud to be an American
Who accepts all people
And fights for their freedom.

I can say that I am proud to be an American
That stands with Black Lives Matter.
That stands with the victims and their families.
That stands with justice.

And I understand that I will never understand
The rage that burns within you
That has haunted you for generations.
But I will stand with you.
And fight with you.
And die with you.
And I will be with you
For as long as there is injustice.
I won’t quite say that

I am proud to be an American.
Not yet at least.
I won’t be a proud American
Until all are treated as equals.
Because that is what an American
Truly stands for.

