How to Sleep Better and Easier

Stop counting sheep and fall asleep.

Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2018


The world is always on the move and the things we see in the news always seems to get bigger and crazier every day. Even in our own personal lives, things can feel overbearing. It is getting harder and harder to get your mind and body at ease at night to sleep easy. Disconnect from those hectic days and fall asleep faster. From someone whose friends always call her, “The Sleeping Queen,” follow these five simple tips.

1. Working out!

You may be asking yourself, “How is working out going to help me sleep better?” Let me explain: There was a study that showed that if you work out for 30 minutes, it can help improve your sleeping patterns because it tires you out. It may feel like you don’t have the time to go to the gym with such busy schedules. Some of you have jobs where you are on your toes for most of the day. Some of you sit in your cubical at work for eight hours. However, you can still try to workout at home, after work. I have personally found that on days where I work out I have fallen asleep quicker and easier.

TIP: Pull out a mat or a yoga ball and do a few simple moves to get your blood flowing. Something as little as 30 minutes might actually help you get your mind away from your day at work or school and focus on your body. You can workout at home and do a quick circuit or watch a YouTube video of working out, like on Popsugar Fitness or Blogilates.

2. Stay away from the screens.

This includes cell phones, laptops, television, etc. I can relate. Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are addicting. After a long day of work or school, you want to binge watch the new popular show everyone is talking about. Disconnecting might be a bit challenging at first. However, try to hear me out on this one. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “The blue light emitted by screens on cell phones, computers, tablets, and televisions restrain the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep/wake cycle.” How do you expect your body and mind to relax after watching the exciting season finale of “This Is Us?”

I put my phone on airplane mode so that way I can still have my alarm for the morning go off when I need to go to school. I have noticed a big difference between staring at a screen right before bed and from being away from it for an hour before bed.

Instead, read a book, do your homework, take the time to focus on activities that don’t require technology. You can also take the time to indulge. I use a cucumber sheet face mask and make it “me” time.

TIP: I have been disconnecting from my phone an hour before bed.

3. Meditate.

I meditate a few minutes before bed and it works every time. It has helped my body and mind calm down and relax. Create your own sanctuary, a place to relax. I have a corner in my room where I have my comfy bean bag chair. I turn on the Calm App on my phone where I listen to nature sounds and I meditate for five minutes to calm my mind and body, preparing myself for bed. There was a study published in US National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health, conducted with older adults who have problems sleeping. With the help of mindful meditation it helped the subjects with restless sleep.

TIP: Sit down, set your timer, close your eyes, breath in and out deeply for five minutes and this can help you sleep easier.

4. Don’t relax on your bed.

Have you even spent a lot of time on your phone or watching T.V on your bed? Its a bad habit of not using your bed for what it is created to do. A bed is meant to be slept on, not meant to double as your desk or couch. I have been guilty of this. According to an article by, “Basically, the more things your brain associates your bed with, the less it thinks of sleep when you are there.”

TIP: Just buy a desk off Craigslist.

5. Stay on Schedule

The sleeping patterns are especially important when falling asleep. For myself I have a timer on my phone to let me know when my hour of relaxing starts.That way I can take the hour to myself, go to bed and have eight hours of sleep. According to WebMD when you set a time for yourself to go to sleep its important to stick to it as best as you can, even on days when you are not working or going to school.

TIP: Sleep time is the best time. Don’t be late!

Hopefully these tips will assist you with finally getting some shut eye. If these tips happen to not work for you and you still wake up in the middle of the night try this: Get off your bed and do something else. We have all been there, right? This is a tip that I have done that has worked for me. Go to that comfy chair, couch or corner. Read a book that you are in the middle of or maybe even color in a coloring book. You can apply some of the tips above, like meditating for five minutes and go back to bed, see how it works out for you.




Student at Mt.SAC, aspiring writer, creator, and a life-long lover of animals