Hello Epics: Working with Related Boards

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3 min readApr 19, 2019

Let’s explore Substantial’s Trello power-up Hello Epics

With the recent release of the related boards feature within our Trello power-up Hello Epics, we wanted to take a moment to explore its capabilities. Even we’ve been surprised by the power of this set of features and how it enables management, visibility, and workflow improvements. So let’s walk you through related boards by diving into an example.

Let’s say you’re an organizer of Epic Con, a large conference. It’s a big enough event that you can’t manage it all by yourself, and instead it has committees to help with the various aspects. To track it all, you use Trello, with one board for each of those committees: Venue & IT, Programming, and Sales & Marketing.

Here’s the board for the Venue & IT committee:

For tracking a task like “Select final IT vendor & alternate,” the Venue & IT committee can use Hello Epics to break that down into separate sub-tasks with their own cards:

Even separating things by committee could still be overwhelming. If you’re on the executive committee and only need a summary, trying to catch up by looking at this board might be difficult with so much detail. So instead, the executive committee might create their own board to track items at the highest level.

So now you have two cards for tracking IT vendor selection, one on the Venue & IT committee board, the other on the executive committee’s master board. With related boards they can track completion of that task automatically by linking the two cards.

Here’s what you see on the executive committee’s master board, where they can navigate from their own board to the more detailed Venue & IT board if they need more insight into task by task progress.

Tracking completion works even across boards, so when a task is done, you can follow it just like you could when they were on the same board. See below how finalizing one task on the Venue & IT committee’s board by moving it to the “Done” column flows through to other cards and over to the executive master board.

That’s just one example of how you can use related boards. If you want to look at the example boards yourself, here are those links again:

We’re excited to see how you use related boards. If you’re doing something you think is clever, please reach out and tell us — we’d love to hear it!

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