I told her weight and laughed it away

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3 min readMar 26, 2019

Today, a friend asked me to place her on a scale.
I told her weight and laughed it away
She responded with a death glare so I told her “wait”

I begin by saying we are all sinusoidal functions.
Simply because at different times of our lives we have our highs and lows. We strive to be more, but at some point, we must come down.
So please allow me some wiggle room, and enjoy the story

We start at 5. The average. It may be mean to clump us here, but realistically this is the majority.
Add one if you have self-esteem, simply because I would like to believe we are more than the medium. Afterall confidence is key.
Because we are young, we add one more. We are in the prime time of our health. And I believe that health deserves at least 1.

7. Realistically that's a C. but passable. After all, C gets degrees… so the baseline is at 7.
But she…I know her personally… I believe in her personality… and I knew that she was more, but finding points to decide this arbitrary line would be difficult… so I decided to work backward.

10….10 out of 10, that would've been perfect, but perfection is just an idea. nothing is perfect. we strive for more, so how would we surpass 10, I chuck that number aside. Even I am not naive enough to believe that we can be a 10.

9… 9 implies that we are close to perfection. We are simply 1 away from being there, but in my eyes, she didn't need anyone. I wouldn’t dare say that she would only be complete if she had that one.
9 in my mind is our realistic peak. This our realistic vertex, we can never truly be perfect, we aren’t an idea. we are only human, and I will allow us to be. When we are at our 9, I just hope we can look around and enjoy the sight, lend a helping hand to the people who brought us here… Sadly, we can only dip down … but don't worry there will be other times in our lives where we will be at our nines.

8…8 is a space of transition often overlooked by those trying to chase perfection. the joke goes why was 6 afraid of 7? because 7 8 9, so 8 is the process, the action. eights are the most vulnerable because they are caught in the middle between 5 and 10. They good, but not great, they claim that they are a pair away, but 8’s invalidate their pain because so many people have it “worse” Afterwall they are 8’s. They should B happy, why complain. B happy.

So to finish this story, I believe she is more than a few standard deviations away from the mean. Somewhere outside this bell curve. Simply because at first glance I would give her a 7… But since she is chasing to be more, I give her one more. An 8... honestly 8’s is hard to stay, and I have seen her knocked down, but she doesn't lose strength. She believes in her and carries her weight. When 8’s are knocked down, they typically become a 7…but she, she knows her shape. She was a little special because when this 8 knocked down, she was knocked sideways, and became so much more. She became infinite.

so basically, I went outside of the scale and I avoided the question.

thank you


