Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2019



Every night I look upon the sky to see the stars I like.

I smile, when I realize the size of all the fireballs and nebulas

makes my life seem small.

Every night I look upon the sky to see the stars I like.

This time, I saw a sign that advised me to look back at the countryside

There was you.

Upon my first sight, I looked into your eyes, what I saw

an indescribable sight, it was as if you stole the star’s light

and placed it upon your eyes.

I promised that night, that I would make you mine

and that I would be your shining knight.

I no longer need to look upon the sky to see the stars I like,

but instead look upon your eyes.

Every moment you are by my side felt right.

Life was like a simple bike ride or a time that flew by.

The idea of being partners in crime seemed like paradise.

Every night I look upon your eyes to see the stars I like,

but one night, we had a major fight that seemed as if galaxies collided

and with all my might, I tried to set things right.

But despite how hard I tried to re-ignite what I lost that night

I couldn’t find the lines to reply….

The fire subsided, and as a final goodbye, I tried to hide behind a lie

-“I’m fine”

that was divided between 3 part right…5 part fright…9 part pride.

-“I’m fine”

I walked outside to look upon the sky, this time

I realized it no longer seemed bright ever since I lost my stars that night.

When I fantasize about the night lights,

an image of your eyes would come to mind.

This caught me by surprise due to all the time that passed by,

But it made me realize that,

despite how hard I tried to hide this aspect of my life

some sort of tie would rise and chime.

It is now that I am able to look upon the sky,

not for the stars, not for the light, not for anything of that kind.

Because now I hold my head up high to highlight the life that I strive to live by.

They advertise “Time would set things right” to which I would reply,

“Maybe not the actual time. But the fact that I took time

to magnify several aspects of my life and identified what was left behind.

A seemingly empty twilight…

but it was upon a closer look that I realized my true stripes.

My vice, my strifes, but most importantly

my shine.”

Every day my radiant rays will decorate space


