SubWallet launches Web Dashboard and kicks off Stake DOT Earn Many campaign

SubWallet App
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2023

On October 23, 2023, SubWallet introduced web dashboard (web wallet), the third asset management platform after browser extension and mobile app. From October 24 to November 7, 2023, SubWallet kicks off the Stake DOT Earn Many with the participation of five leading projects in the Polkadot ecosystem and media support from Parity Technologies.

Why did SubWallet develop a web dashboard?

SubWallet has always listened to users’ opinions and needs since the early days of product design. Therefore, after the browser extension and mobile app versions, web dashboard is the next platform that SubWallet decided to deploy to provide the most comprehensive and multi-platform asset management product suite for users.

If users don’t want to download extensions on their computers or apps on their phones, they can still use applications in the ecosystem just with the web dashboard. This user-friendly experience is similar to Web2 applications, where users only need to type in an address and password without having to install any additional applications. Furthermore, the web interface is highly customizable, allowing users to easily operate on many different windows and screen sizes depending on their needs.

What’s different in SubWallet web dashboard?

Sign transactions directly on the web

With the web dashboard, users take complete control of using and managing their wallet with four options including:

  • Connect Substrate and EVM wallets via extension. Currently supported wallets include SubWallet, Talisman, and Polkadot{.js}.
  • Directly create Substrate and EVM wallets
  • Import existing wallets from seed phrase, JSON file, MetaMask private key, and QR code
  • Connect cold wallets via Ledger, Polkadot Vault, Keystone, and watch-only wallets

The last three options allow users to make transactions and signs directly on the web without having to download and install any additional applications. This is especially useful for users who want to reduce the number of applications on their device, while still ensuring safety and security.

Sync SubWallet extension and mobile app in seconds

With SubWallet, users have a consistent experience in terms of interface and navigation across all products of the ecosystem. With the web dashboard, users can easily and conveniently synchronize accounts between devices in just a few seconds. Now, SubWallet users can use the wallet in many different ways, anywhere and on any device.

Intuitive and convenient asset management experience

Polkadot is a multichain ecosystem, so having an asset located on many different networks can cause confusion for users. To solve this problem, the web dashboard allows users to see assets across multiple networks as well as balance details on each network with just one click. Besides, web dashboard users can also track portfolio allocation visually with charts updated in real-time.

The web dashboard’s spacious interface also provides a more convenient NFT management experience compared to platforms with limited display space such as extensions and mobile applications.

Comprehensive earning solution

The web dashboard opens up the potential to integrate DeFi and earnings solutions, one of the most important pieces of any blockchain ecosystem. In addition to staking via validator and nomination pools that have already been supported in the extension and mobile application, the web dashboard provides support for liquid staking and lending, and more to come soon in the future. SubWallet’s goal is to become a one-stop destination for earning applications in the Polkadot ecosystem, helping users avoid having to manage multiple applications with different interfaces and experiences.

Diverse experience with useful information

The web dashboard connects to hundreds of dApps on Substrate and EVM networks, allowing users to interact seamlessly through Wallet Connect V2. The dApps display interface is more intuitive, helping users easily search and experience the types of dApps they are interested in.

SubWallet also provides information on retroactive programs and incentivization activities in the Polkadot ecosystem, giving users access to projects and events through the Mission Pools feature.

Stake DOT Earn Many Campaign

To celebrate the launch of the web dashboard, SubWallet collaborated with leading DeFi protocols in the ecosystem to organize a campaign to encourage users to experience DOT staking and lending products with major exclusive rewards. From October 24, 2023 to November 7, 2023, every user who successfully stakes or lends DOT through pools at the web dashboard will receive 1 NFT and be eligible to participate in a series of tasks for a chance to receive 10 USDT upon completion.

In addition, users who stake with Acala, Bifrost, or Parallel will be participating in the reward pools of these projects. Specifically:

  • Acala reward pool: 80,000 ACA
  • Bifrost reward pool: 5,000 BNC
  • Parallel’s reward pool: 1,000,000 PARA

The number of reward tokens users receive will correspond to the total amount of DOT staked between October 24, 2023 and November 7, 2023. For example, if their stake accounts for 10% of the total stake in Acala pool on SubWallet dashboard, they will receive 10% of the total reward of 80,000 ACA.

During nearly two years of development, SubWallet has continuously strived to build a more comprehensive and multi-platform product and continuously improve features, performance, and user experience. The web dashboard is an important step in this journey, and SubWallet is committed to maintaining and developing the web dashboard to bring the best value to the community.

About SubWallet

SubWallet is the comprehensive non-custodial wallet solution for Polkadot, Substrate & Ethereum ecosystems. With the mission of bringing users closer to Web3, we envision a Web3 multiverse gateway through which users can enjoy multichain services with utmost ease and absolute security. Connecting and using blockchain-based applications is smoother than ever with SubWallet Browser Extension & SubWallet Mobile App.

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