
Emile Westergaard
Subway Karma: Collected poems
1 min readSep 5, 2018

I hope you understand this is all part of the plan,
not my design, but with reason and rhyme
playing out across time, a poem unwinding,
words on a page writing themselves,
story unfolding with beauty and grace
to erase the suffering of many generations

Wisdom sublime from a source we must trust,
song that echoes through ages
passed down from sages, key to all cages,
a bird with feathers of every color and stripe
flies overhead, |rising in circles,
tracing a geometry within the sky and clouds,

A proud singer of songs in all keys,
spiritual doctor to cure every disease
swoops over the river and under the moon,
mountains behind, sunflowers in bloom
In this early orange sunset bone dry air
sound carries forever

How warm is the moonlight?
How warm is your kiss?
How much do I love you?
How much are you missed?
I wanted to change you
You tried to change me
Now we sit on this beach by the sea,
alone and together, finally able to speak
I thank you for listening,
for the key I was missing to the cage I kept locked

Now the bird dream songster who would share my song
carries me up to the pantheon

