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How to Pick the Best Tags for Your Medium Story

The short answer: Pick tags off of Medium’s topic list

Sam Holstein
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2020


As of September 2020, this information is out-of-date.

When it comes to getting your story noticed, tags are second only to your headline in how important they are. Picking the right tags can make the difference between an article making hundreds, and an article dying upon delivery.

This is true of picking tags anywhere on the internet. Picking tags on Medium, however, is not like digital marketing on other parts of the internet. On other websites, you want your tags to be as specific as possible — but on Medium, you don’t.

Medium SEO is Different From Other SEO

Anyone who’s done work in traditional marketing knows what SEO means. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the art of figuring out what it is algorithms prioritize when people search using algorithms, and then engineering content to match exactly what the algorithm prioritizes. When you are trying to get your website to appear high in Google search rankings, or trying to get your product to appear high in Amazon search rankings, SEO is critically important.

Out there in the wider world, the key to SEO effectiveness is specificity. If you are trying to promote a…

