Explaining the AWS Well-Architected Framework Like You’re 5

Uriel Bitton
Success With AWS
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2024


The easiest way to understand the AWS well-architected framework.

Photo by Simone Hutsch on Unsplash

Imagine you’re building a house. You want it to be strong, safe and withstand storms and other disasters when building it. Think of the application you want to build as this house.

AWS has a multitude of service that can help you build a strong, safe and resilient “house”. The services AWS provides helps you build scalable, efficient, highly available and resilient applications.

Besides for its services, AWS has a framework they call “The Well-Architected Framework” which is a set of rules that helps people build these powerful applications using the cloud.

There are 6 pillars that make up the well architected framework, these are:

  1. Operational Excellence
  2. Security
  3. Reliability
  4. Performance Efficiency
  5. Cost Optimization
  6. Sustainability

These 6 concepts or “pillars” are not 6 separate entities, they work together as a synergy.

By using them all together in harmony you can achieve and implement the best practices of a well architected application.



Uriel Bitton
Success With AWS

I write about AWS services, serverless technology, cloud computing, and cost-efficiency and help you learn how to easily build robust web apps.