Success With AWS — Who We Are

Building a strong community of writers and readers who are passionate about AWS and cloud technologies.

Uriel Bitton
Success With AWS


Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash


The aim with this pub is simple: to become a one-stop shop for all articles explaining all AWS services, tutorials and best practices as well as building powerful, performant, scalable and reliable cloud solutions.

The principle goal of Success with AWS is to deliver technical value to the reader so that you can learn AWS and cloud technologies fast and with the best practices skills.


We are in a turning point in technological history.

On the macro level, we have seen amazing advances in AI, on the micro level we are seeing shifts towards modern architectures like serverless and microservices, which are gaining lots of traction — architectures which are streamlined by AWS and the services they offer.

This publication will focus a lot on these practices and designs. Ultimately these are the main topics/skills the publication will focus on to deliver value-centric articles:

  • AWS services
  • Cloud Technologies
  • Serverless architecture/designs



Uriel Bitton
Success With AWS

I write about AWS services, serverless technology, cloud computing, and cost-efficiency and help you learn how to easily build robust web apps.