5 Tips to Gain Independence From Bad Habits

Success Clinic
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

With Independence Day here in the USA, here are 5 tips to gain independence from bad habits

1. Take 100% responsibility for your life.

The #1 trait of UNsuccessful people is blaming everyone else for your problems. If you don’t take response-ability, you give up the ability to respond.
2. Use Afformations®.

Did you know that asking a new kind of question can immediately change your life?

Afformations® are empowering questions that immediately switch your mental energies from negative to positive. Use Afformations® to help you realize that you have more power inside you than you think.

3. Get your foot off the brake.

Are you driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake?

Give yourself permission to succeed, even if it’s been years since you’ve done anything nice for yourself.

4. Dump your head trash.

There are two basic human beliefs: “I can” and “I can’t”. Do you subconsciously believe you can’t be, do, or have the things you really want?

Just imagine what would happen if you switched your belief of “I can’t” to “I can”…

5. Keep a Daily Action Journal.

When you continually think about things you can’t control, you’ll only produce more feelings of being out of control.

Instead, keep a Daily Action Journal of the things you can control — because you, and you alone, control your ACTIONS.

Doing this simple act will build feelings of confidence, self-worth, and enoughness.

Take Action Challenge:

Gain independence from bad habits and watch your results soar..

I believe in you!

Noah St. John, Author of The Book of Afformations®

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Success Clinic

Noah St. John helps people make money: Since 1997, he's helped his coaching clients add over half a BILLION dollars in sales.