What Is Leadership (Video)

Success Clinic
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

“ What is leadership ? Leadership means having the right people, processes and systems in place in our personal and organizational lives.

When we look at the question of what is leadership, it means renewal in each of the four dimensions of physical, mental, spiritual and social/emotional.

Although renewal in each dimension is important, it only becomes optimally effective as we deal with all four dimensions in a wise and balanced way. To neglect any one area negatively impacts the rest.

I have found this to be true in organizations as well as in individual lives. For example, when we look at what is leadership in an organization, the physical dimension is expressed in economic terms…

Hear the rest of the story on today’s #AskNoahStJohn Episode 134…

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Noah’s Note:

What Is Leadership

Today’s #AskNoahStJohn Show is compliments of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

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P.S. Watch this video to discover The 5 Big Money Mistakes Even Smart Entrepreneurs Make

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Noah St. John, Creator of Afformations®

Founder of Power Habits® Academy

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Success Clinic

Noah St. John helps people make money: Since 1997, he's helped his coaching clients add over half a BILLION dollars in sales.