April Beyer, founder & CEO of LEVEL, a matchmaking network to revolutionize the dating industry

Move Over Tinder, This AI Dating Service is Revolutionizing Matchmaking

April Beyer is bringing back old-fashioned matchmaking with an AI twist

4 min readApr 9, 2018


April Beyer is the Founder & CEO of LEVEL, a personal matchmaking service fueled by AI and human support to make dating more effortless and rewarding. She has been one of the most sought-after dating and relationship experts for more than 20 years. Her insight and guidance are refreshing and have been proven to help singles succeed. Dr. Phil calls her “the best of the best,” and her advice has been shared in national print, radio and television outlets including CBS Early Show, Good Morning America, MSNBC, ABC 20/20, Martha Stewart Radio, NY Times, and The LA times among others. April lives in Santa Monica California with her partner and husband, Todd.

How did you decide to start your own company?

I created LEVEL after spending twenty years in the personal, high-end matchmaking industry working with some of the most eligible men in the country.

With the evolution of dating apps and the negative shift in behaviors, I set out to develop a truly unique solution for the problems that I believed apps have caused — Modern dating has created a superficial outlook and approach to something that should require more care and thought.

LEVEL was born to change the dating landscape by helping singles learn what their highest values are and to truly LEVEL up their personal life. My thought process behind LEVEL was simple: put my brain into technology so everyone could benefit from my expertise, not just the people who had the opportunity to work with me directly.

If you could change one thing from your professional past to do over, what would it be?

My compassion for my clients and desire to educate and support people in their journey has proven to be a relentless drive in my career. When I figured out how I could do that and serve more people, I dove in head first! While the result has been rewarding, I look back and see how I could have benefited from a larger support system. Thankfully, my brilliant husband serves as my CFO, but to have a CTO to guide the technological development while I developed the 10-point value system for the company would have saved a ton of time and frustration.

What is something most people don’t know about you?

Most people don’t know that I’m a trained Meisner actor and former sketch comedy performer. Much of my education and work involved character study. I’m a “why” girl with an insatiable curiosity about people and what makes them tick. So much of what makes me good at what I do, whether it’s matchmaking, building technology, or coaching individuals, is from my ability to read people, think ahead, strategize, and problem solve.

When someone says your name, what do you want to be the description that follows?

Fun, dynamic, passionate about her work, authentic, and deeply cares about people, connection, and communication.

Do you have a favorite success story from LEVEL?

My favorite story is a gentleman who joined recently after losing his wife two years ago. He wasn’t comfortable with the dating apps and wanted a bigger reach than what a traditional matchmaking company could offer. LEVEL helped him to prioritize his needs and values and through our unique interview process. Now he is dating the first woman he met through our service. He feels like this has given him a fresh perspective and a ton of hope for finding love again.

You attended our Circular Summit event in Washington, D.C. What was your favorite part?

My favorite part of the summit was my private mentor session. I signed up for the mentor session because I wasn’t sure how to approach investors since LEVEL is not a strictly tech company, but rather a hybrid business model. At the summit, I received great advice and amazing clarity in a very short amount of time. I really feel it’s going to dramatically shift every pitch meeting I have going forward.

[Editor’s Note: visit Alice to find the ideal business mentor.]

Follow April on Twitter and on Instagram.



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