New Publication: Successful Retirement Lifestyle

Scott A. Gese
Successful Retirement Lifestyle
2 min readMar 6, 2022


That time in your life when every day is a Saturday


I received my first taste of the working life at the ripe old age of thirteen.

Up at 5am to catch the “bean bus”. The bus rolled in to the field at 8am. It was always cold and I was always still half asleep.

If I could pick 100 pounds of green beans in a seven hour day I’d make a whopping 3 bucks. It rarely happened.

My work life did improve. Several jobs, a career and Forty-eight years later, I had had enough. I finally had gotten my fill of the working life.

I was fortunate enough to be able to retire at age 61. That was in 2016. I’ve never regretted it and I’ve never looked back. I’ve been enjoying every minute of it.

Living a successful retirement lifestyle is a wonderful thing, but it isn’t without its challenges. I started this publication to share a few of my ideas, experiences, advice, insight and encouragement with any and all who find this publication.

No matter what your income level might be. There’s nothing stopping you from having a successful retirement lifestyle.

This site is not about financial planning. I’ll leave that to the professionals.




Scott A. Gese
Successful Retirement Lifestyle

Writer of short story fiction and non-fiction retirement articles. The bulk of my work can be found on my personal site...