What Not to Write?

Thejendra Sreenivas
Successful Self-Publishing
4 min readDec 2, 2022


Image from Pixabay

What not to write? In your excitement to become famous quickly, you may get ideas to write crazy or dangerous books. But avoid all such temptations as they can get you and your family members into trouble. What not to write is even more important than what to write. Often in your enthusiasm words and sentences can flow like a mad river and you may write something horrible that you momentarily think is funny or harmless. But it could be laced with trouble when reviewed carefully. So, take care to frequently pause your writing to view it from different angles and the reader’s perspective. Remember freedom of expression is not absolute and you will never know how readers will respond to your writings. People are subjective creatures and not objective ones. You cannot always call a spade a spade and get away with it. Also never write books that promote or glamorize racism, pervert behaviors, hate-related, pornography, drugs, religiously explosive stuff, vulgarity, etc. Such books are only for shady authors.

Don’t listen to idealists: Many idealistic readers, writers, TV studio heroes, and the clueless media often argue that authors must have the complete creative freedom to write whatever they want, or that the pen is mightier than the sword, etc. But we don’t live in an ideal world and in reality, the sword can cut off the hand that wields the pen. Remember what happened to Salman Rushdie who had to go into hiding for several years because of a death threat to him for his Satanic Verses book. In fact, he was attacked even recently by some religious thug. Similarly, many authors worldwide have been beaten, attacked, banned, deported, and even killed for writing nasty books. Also, be careful about writing humor as it can backfire badly if you don’t know certain rules. Don’t make fun of religion, caste, race, physical disabilities, gender or language of anyone. Humor in these areas can start riots on the streets or even start a war. Also don’t use the real names of people, friends, relatives, co-workers, etc. You will never know how they may get offended. Imagine writing a book on your cranky neighbor or colleague and filling it with embarrassing facts or fiction without his permission. So, if you like to write humor, the best way is always self-directed. That is, point the humor toward yourself. That way you will not annoy anyone. Remember people will laugh heartily if you make fun of yourself, but they may be outraged if you make fun of them.

~ 🤵 About the Author — Thejendra Sreenivas was a Technology Manager in the IT industry for nearly 30 years. He is now an Author and Book Publishing Coach and helps authors to Self-Publish their books Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon retailers. He has written 30+ books on various topics. Visit his online cave — www.thejendra.com for more details.

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Thejendra Sreenivas
Successful Self-Publishing

Book Publishing Coach helping authors to Self-Publish Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon platforms - www.thejendra.com