SuccessFund — Collaborators

Mark Walker
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2019

SuccessFund is even better as a team! We’ve compiled the top 5 ways you should be using Collaborators. This feature was added to make SuccessFund campaigns easier to create, edit, monitor, and share! Let’s review the top 5…

Photo by Anna Samoylova on Unsplash

First of all, you can manage your collaborators using the “Collaborators” taba in the top ribbon of your campaign:

So why add collaborators? Here’s our top 5 use cases:

1 — Team Teachers

Collaborators are great for team teachers. Because collaborators are able to view and edit campaigns, team teachers can work together to ensure that a classroom campaign is always up to date. Both campaign owners and collaborators are notified as donations are made, so it becomes easy for team teachers to monitor progress. Finally, collaborators have access to extra features — especially sharing capabilities like the ability to quickly create and print (full sheet or half sheet) flyers! This is a favorite among teachers who include these flyers in take-home packets at the beginning of the year, or at parent-teacher-conferences.

2 — Coaches and Assistant Coaches

Coaches love how easy it is to use SuccessFund, but they also love that — with SuccessFund — delegating the fundraising efforts over to an assistant coach is not asking for hours and hours of effort. When an assistant coach is added as a collaborator, all the details of the campaign can be edit and monitored without requiring the full attention of the head coach.

Tip: If the head coach creates the campaign, he or she will become the campaign owner. The owner’s name and profile picture show up on the campaign, and this means that donors will see the name and familiar face of the head coach. We recommend this approach so donors know they are in the right place.

The owner and all collaborators can monitor the progress of the campaign and many coaches will use the customized comments tool to track which student athletes are working hard to gather donations. The fact that collaborators can print flyers is another reason coaches like to invite their assistant coaches to join the campaign. These flyers are an effective way for players to go out and generate buzz for their campaign.

3 — Grade-level Campaigns

We’ve seen all the 4th grade teachers of any given school collaborate on the same field trip campaign to pool the money together in one place. This is a great way for teachers to ensure that all funds are accounted for, and easily managed. It’s also a great way to manage the messaging of the campaign and generate buzz as progress toward the campaign goal can grow very quickly when multiple classrooms are involved. Another great part of collaborating as a grade level is that when donations come through, all collaborators are notified and that’s a great reminder to distribute the message to students and parents. Collaborating in this way also helps teachers to quickly learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to communicating classroom needs.

4 — PTA Presidents & Members

When elementary school principals work with Parent Teacher Associations magic happens! We’ve seen principals collaborate with the PTA on SuccessFund campaigns, and we’ve seen the PTA presidents invite other PTA members in leadership positions to join in fundraising efforts. PTAs do a great job running fun run events, or auctions and use SuccessFund to collect donations and monitor activity in real time at the event! These events can have many moving parts, and so the ability to invite members to collaborate becomes necessary to ensure that everything comes together.

5 — Education Foundations

We’ve seen foundations manage campaigns on behalf of teachers, coaches, and club leaders, and then invite those users to join as collaborators. This allows those individuals to have access to additional sharing features, but also allows the foundation to create and manage the campaigns. Many times foundation campaigns are for the general good of the students or community, and sharing responsibility for the campaign itself allows for multiple foundation members chip in.

These are just 5 ways we’ve seen this powerful feature used, but we’re sure you’ll come up with others! Whether your raising money for a classroom or a club, whether you’re a coach or the committee chair, collaborators are an easy and effective way to empower others to contribute.

