Best Practices for Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Successive Digital
Successive Digital
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2023

In this era of digital transformation, where cloud-based services are extensively adopted, the concept of site reliability engineering (SRE) has become inevitable. Since cloud-based operations and processes are more complex and dynamic than traditional monolithic methods, they tend to face service failures and may lead to unreliable services for the end users. This is where SRE comes into play. Not only does it streamlines the efforts of development and operations teams, but it also ensures reliability and ongoing availability of services to the customers. But implementing it can be challenging, as it requires a complete transformation of how software and applications are built and presented to the users. Hence, you must partner with a trusted site reliability engineering company that leverages SRE best practices to optimize cloud resources according to your operational requirements.

Top 5 Practices for Site Reliability Engineering

While implementing site reliability engineering into your development and operational systems might sound difficult, using a strategy and SRE best practices can help. Here are five beneficial practices which you can adopt to streamline your processes:

1. Analyze Changes Holistically

Leveraging SRE means choosing a holistic approach to scan problems and solutions. Using this approach, businesses can evaluate all the incidents and rectify what caused the change and how it impacts other systems and processes. Holistic analysis of change also helps development and operations teams to evaluate both short-term and long-term impacts.

2. Expand Skill Sets

In order to implement and utilize site reliability engineering within a business process, you require highly skilled engineers and architects in your team. The product’s environment and cloud-based operations can be dynamic; hence, you must employ a team that can constantly hone their skill set and handle spontaneous requirements. You can also initiate extensive training and professional development programs to encourage your existing team’s productivity and transform your traditional team to SRE experts who will assist you in meeting your business objectives.

3. Eliminate Redundancy

Site reliability engineering (SRE) promotes automation and cutting down on manual redundancy as much as possible. By implementing SRE, you can initiate task automation from the beginning and ensure faster delivery of services to customers. SRE encourages teams to do extra work upfront and mitigate the chances of redundancy and duplication of work later. This improves productivity and eliminates cases of duplication or manual errors.

4. Learn From Failures

With a focus on constant reliability and availability of services, SRE works by continuously improving the services. This encourages teams to learn from postmortems and embrace failures. It provides factual insights into the incidents and causes of failures that help define the root cause and enable the team to learn from the mistakes. Learning from mistakes mitigates gaps, offers a chance to identify areas of improvement, and enhances overall performance and service reliability.

Also read Everything You Need to Know About Kubernetes Operator and SRE

5. Define Service-level Objectives

To ensure your services’ constant availability and reliability, it’s important to identify what your users need and want. To do so, you must create service-level objectives (SLOs) as a part of your service-level agreement. Defining SLOs will help you get the end user’s perspective and enable you to optimize your system and applications as per their requirements while maintaining higher uptime.


With the adoption of cloud computing, Site reliability engineering (SRE) has emerged as a significant incident management process. By implementing SRE into your development and operational systems, you can ensure that your applications and software run smoothly with higher uptime. But remember that successful SRE implementation relies heavily on partnering with a professional site reliability engineering company and five best practices as mentioned above.



Successive Digital
Successive Digital

A next-gen digital transformation company that helps enterprises transform business through disruptive strategies & agile deployment of innovative solutions.