Future-Proof: Leverage Technology To Drive Innovation And Success In The 2020s

Successive Digital
Successive Digital
Published in
5 min readJan 8, 2020
Digital Transformation

Technology has completely taken over every aspect of our life. The business landscape is no different, and constant changes in the tech world have revolutionized business processes as well. Seagate said that 2/3rd of CEOs will start focusing on digital strategies to boost customer experience by the end of 2019. Also, IDG says that 44% of the companies have already begun their march towards a digital-first approach for customer experience.

It is clear that technology is coming up in a big way to drive customer experience. If you are not taking initiatives for digital transformation then you are bound to be outpaced by forwarding looking enterprises with a focus on stellar customer experiences.

Moreover, technology is not a static concept. It is always evolving, dynamic and volatile. This is bringing about a paradigm shift in the way we think, act, buy, and make a decision. BE it genomics and advanced DNA for spousal choices or autonomous vehicles, the world is fast embracing digital. If you too want in on this high impact sphere of technology then the first step would be to know the different trends that will propel the digital transformation pace in 2002 and beyond. Read on to know what these trends are -

  1. The Rise of AI

AI or artificial intelligence is no longer the stuff of science fiction novels and those bizarre shows. This is the age when machines are getting at par with the human brain. Developers and data scientists are coming up with new and interesting frameworks for AI. It started with the RP-ing games and has now ventured into the simple everyday aspects of our daily life. The AI system can control everything from our smartphones to GPS navigation. Companies like Amazon and Google have come up with their personalized AI models. You can have human-like realistic interactions with a machine.

The upcoming year would see further improvements in AI. The rise of supercomputers and robotics have further contributed to this trend. Smart homes, smart TVs, smart cars are no longer a dream. We have automated, digitized systems at our disposal.

2. All About AR/VR Reality

Augmented reality and Virtual reality were usually associated with video games in the yester changes. All that changed when AR was introduced in mainstream media. Machine learning scientists and coders are constantly working at making our lives easier, convenient and more time-efficient. AR or augmented reality is a concept that allows people to stream live content and get digital updates on any device connected to the network. Almost every platform has now become optimized for the mobile phone. Mobile e-commerce, app development, and database management have become very lucrative fields with a lot of scope for research.

Virtual reality, on the other hand, is a space where a person gets to experience a different world altogether. It is a complete audio-video holistic experience. This immersive exercise helps you shut out the real physical world for a while and enter a different sphere. In 2020, we can expect a mixture of these concepts. The rise of MR or mixed reality would be a framework that would allow for more transparent interactions with digital assets and machines. Microsoft’s HoloLens is a good example of how MR can change our lives.

3. Intuitiveness and Code-free Platforms

Every device or platform that we use these days is programmed to make things simpler and more value-adding for the user. A simple web store or a full-fledged application- intuitiveness is the bind that connects it all. Also, website development is no longer the domain of developers and software engineers. These days, anyone with an idea and an internet connection can build their website in a matter of minutes.

The rise of WYSIWYG website builders gives you a preview of how the content would appear on the user-end browser. You even get the provision of making real-time changes to the content with the on-site editor. And the best part? You can do all this and more without having to write a line of code.

4. One System to Rule Them All

Technology these days is all about fragmentation and yet having a distinct hierarchy. There are super systems, huge databases and frameworks to control all the aspects of your business. This gives you better control and flexibility over the operations. It also boosts your reach, performance, and productivity. The rise of social media has changed the face of marketing. There are different updates on social media networks that allow developers to advertise their brands and get more views.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have entered the eCommerce game with great gusto. Everyone wants to build a substantial social media presence to become more reliable and relevant. Trending on social media is a sure shot way to success. And in the forthcoming year, we have predicted more of content marketing and social media boost. The rise of influencers, bloggers, vloggers, and other internet celebrities bears testament to this fact.

5. Growth of the IoT Framework

IoT or the internet of things is a framework that gives developers space where they can connect multiple devices and platforms in a single network. This simplifies the data sharing and customization process. You can now access, share, and compute information quickly and conveniently. It also gives you better online visibility. SEO optimization, CRM systems, and content management are some of the biggest trends that show immense potential in the next year. Brands will try to make their services more user-friendly and relevant to the average web user. Gone are the days when a few big shot companies ruled the market. Today, the competition is ruled by demand patterns and market metrics.

The developers need to have an in-depth idea of the market, the competition and the techniques they’re using. IoT gives you a better grasp on things. It makes information more accessible. You have better control over the data you’ve collected. It also reduces the risk of cybercrime as you can set firewalls, antivirus programs, and encryptions to protect the information. IoT is being used by several companies these days, including industry leaders like Google and Amazon.

The Business advantage

Leading an enterprise and a team of talents isn’t an easy task. Technology can play the role of an indispensable asset. Whether it’s creating a unique enterprise infrastructure, designing a UI, integrating Salesforce into the existing system, or adopting web application security, technical upgrades are necessary for every enterprise.

As we say welcome to 2020, the latest tech trends are surely going to make a pronounced impact. Enterprise owners need to adopt these changes and make their venture future-ready!



Successive Digital
Successive Digital

A next-gen digital transformation company that helps enterprises transform business through disruptive strategies & agile deployment of innovative solutions.