Kotlin vs. Java

Successive Digital
Successive Digital
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2021

Java has been the most preferred language of developers for a long time for Android App Development. But since a few years, Google’s Kotlin is gaining immense popularity. It is now Google’s preferred language for Android (officially). Almost 50% of the developers are using Kotlin for app development.

In such a case, how would you choose the best one? Well, we have made it easy for you. In this blog, we’ll be discussing both the programming languages in detail and exploring their differences based on some real-time attributes.

Let’s start with the basics:

What is Kotlin?

Kotlin is an open-source, cross-platform, and statistically typed programming language. It offers greater accessibility in multi-platform programming. It helps you combine Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) and functional programming in an independent and unique platform.

Pros and Cons

Popular Apps Built with Kotlin

Google, Pinterest, Trello, Netflix, Airbnb

What is Java?

Java is an OOP (object-oriented programming) language. It is the best choice for high-end projects involving technologies like NLP, AI, and ML. Also, Java enables developers to write and compile codes that are compatible with all java platforms.

Pros and Cons

Popular Apps Built with Java

Twitter, Spotify, CashApp, Nimbus Messenger, Signal

Now that you have refreshed your concepts. Let us move forward and compare Kotlin and Java and explore how they differ.

Kotlin vs. Java: Detailed Comparison

Which one is better: Kotlin or Java?

Both Kotlin and Java have a fair share of pros and cons. Java is a well-established and robust programming language, whereas Kotlin offers scalability and convenience. Therefore, choosing the best fit depends entirely on your app requirements and objectives.

Are you still confused about which one to prefer for your next android app project? Successive Technologies is there to help. We use a stable codebase, Android SDK, and Android NDK kits to deliver seamless and engaging experiences. Our skilled technocrats use Kotlin and Java as their primary tech stack to deliver delightful and innovative apps. Contact us to get started.



Successive Digital
Successive Digital

A next-gen digital transformation company that helps enterprises transform business through disruptive strategies & agile deployment of innovative solutions.