No More Limiting Beliefs: Release Your Dreams Into The Wild

Why are you holding your dreams captive? Unchain them and realize your full potential!

Nicholas Landers


Photo by Olga from Pexels

I have this habit of dulling my dreams, to match my reality; and it’s really quite tragic because…I’m not too enthralled with my reality.

This morning, on my way to the park, I passed a street that looked a lot like a neighborhood I’d traipsed through in Milan, yet it somehow felt uniquely Catalonian in spirit, which was oddly satisfying — or maybe not strange at all, considering I was likely experiencing wanderlust-hangover: when the breadth of your travels overlap, blurring the borders of those lands and the borders of the soul.

Though the moment was only the size of a tapa, it was fantastically filling: a feast for the eyes, and a buffet for the heart. It was like I was back in Barcelona, late summer, surrounded by friends, and burning through money like I had invented the stuff.

You could call it rapture, I guess — this morning’s nostalgia — but it was too short-lived to really call it that, seeing as its longevity was more like a mayfly’s lifespan…because, like I said, I have this nasty habit of aspiring to the exact level of my beliefs, which, sadly, are not very high.



Nicholas Landers

An anxious writer/author who explores the laws of success and, occasionally, greater humanitarian issues. @TeacherInYourPocket on Insta and YouTube.