8 Tips To Keep Your Mums Blooming
As the leaves begin to change and the air takes on a crisp, autumnal chill, gardeners eagerly prepare for fall’s vibrant color display. One of the most iconic symbols of the fall season is the chrysanthemum, affectionately known as mums. These hardy perennials can grace your garden with their brilliant hues throughout the fall season, but to ensure they keep blooming, a little TLC is essential.
Here is how to keep your mums blooming all fall long.
Pick the Right Variety of Mum
Most mums you see at the big box stores or nurseries are decorative mums, but these fall stunners in more than just a variety of colors, there are a variety of types. If you are looking for your mums ot last several months, or even years with the right care, be sure to choose a hardy garden varierty. If you want your mums to return year after year, avoid florist mums, which do best as annuals. However, if you are happy with an annual, enjoy the colors and big blooms of florist mums, but follow these other tips!
Give The Mums Their Sun
Mums love sunlight. Plant or place them in a location where they get at least 6 hours of sunlight. Morning sun is especially helpful in removing morning dew that can settle on the flowers.
Keep Them Watered But Not Soggy
Mums are thirsty plants, but overwatering can lead to root rot. Water your mums consistently, but ensure the soil is not soggy. To prevent blossom rot, water from the base, allowing the water to soak up from the bottom. You can purchase a water meter (I like this one*) to monitor soil moisture, but you can also water when the first few inches of soil are dry,
Plant Them In Well-Draining Soil
Well-drained soil is essential to prevent root rot and other water-related issues. Adding organic matter like compost, pebbles, perlite, or orchid bark can help create a light, loamy soil. If your soil is heavy and poorly draining, consider planting your mums in containers or raised beds.
Off With Their Heads! Be Sure To Deadhead
Deadheading, the process of removing spent flowers, encourages the plant to produce more blooms. Pinch or snip off the faded flowers at their base, which redirects the plant’s energy into creating new blooms. Continue deadheading throughout the fall to extend the flowering period.
Fertilize Sparingly, But Not In The Fall
If you purchased new mums in the fall, you do not need to fertilize. If you planted mums last year, you can use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in early spring through early summer, which can help promote healthy growth and blooming.
Protect Them From Frost
Depending on where you leave, cooler temperatures may come sooner rather than later.Once the temp starts dipping into the 40s, it’s time to keep an eye out. To protect your plants, consider covering them with frost cloth or moving potted mums indoors during the coldest nights. If you forget or get caught by a surprise cold snap, don’t fret. Deadhead any damaged blooms and keep the plants moist (moisture helps hold warmth). This extra care can extend their blooming period well into the fall.
Keep Pests at Bay
Humans aren’t the only ones who love mums; our favorite fall foliage can attract certain pests like aphids and spider mites. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestation and address the issue promptly with organic pest control methods. Neem oil is my go to prevent pests (apply in the evening to avoid pollinators and prevent sunburn), but insecticidal soap and beneficial nematodes (for in ground plants) are also helpful methods.
Mums made an excellent addition to any porch or home in the fall, and when well cared for, can be a great asset to a garden year round.
Have some mums to share? Find me on Instagram and tag me in your mum posts.
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