Ashutosh Kumar | SCM S2E21

Saurabh Nanda
Such Conversations Matter
2 min readFeb 23, 2023
Ashutosh Kumar | Such Conversations Matter S2E20

“ये भी समझने वाली बात है कि भारत जैसे एक विविध देश में, हर जगह की संस्कृति अलग है। अगर आप वहां के कल्चर में कुछ बहार से लेकर कोई चीज थोप देंगे और बोलेंगे के ऐसे ही करना है, ऐसे ही चलाना है, तो नहीं चलने वाला है, बल्कि आप वहां के कल्चर को समझ उसके हिसाब से इकोसिस्टम बनाने की कोशिश करें। लेकिन अगर आप ईस्टर्न यूपी जैसी जगह पर जाएं, या ओवरऑल इंडिया के लिए, ये वैलिड है, यहां पर काफी फैमिली बेस्ड एंटरप्राइज होते हैं”

Meet Mr. Ashutosh Kumar, CEO of Jagriti Yatra, which is an ambitious train journey of discovery and transformation that takes hundreds of highly motivated youth, from all over India and world, on a 15 day, 8000 km national odyssey to meet the role models — social and business entrepreneurs — of the country. The vision of Jagriti is ‘building India through enterprise’. It is a confluence of change-makers, leaders, problem-solvers and innovators. This model has been replicated in many countries and regions of the world including the USA.

He has been with the Yatra since its inception in 2008. After completing his Mechanical Engineering education from IIT Kharagapur, he joined CSC in Chennai. He left that comfortable IT job to join this movement and has led the movement since 2012. He is a 2 time TEDx Speaker. He was the invited by the US consulate’s prestigious International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP), he is an Asian Development Fellow run by the Asia Foundation in 2018 and IIT Kharagpur awarded him the Young Achiever Alumni Award in 2019.

He appeared in Episode 21 of Season 2 talking about Elements of Entrepreneurship for India

Listen to an excerpt from the conversation here:

Know more about him —

His TEDx Talks —

Jagriti Yatra —

Watch the full conversation on Youtube -

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Saurabh Nanda
Such Conversations Matter

Sustainability, Global Citizenship, Youth Empowerment… Career Consulting