How History Shapes Our Thinking and Wellbeing?

Zac Sangeeth
5 min readAug 6, 2023


Around me, I see parents insisting that their children focus on science and mathematics compared to all other subjects. I see my friends themselves think that future success can be guaranteed only if they develop an interest, even if it’s a forced interest, in Science and mathematics. But my chosen subject has nothing to do with Science and Maths. It’s a rather odd one — its, ‘s HISTORY.

Now, it is an exciting story about how I got interested in this subject. When I was 6 years old, my parents went on a trip to Paris. When they came back, my mother took me through the pictures of her trip. One picture really caught my attention. It was the picture of a small painting to which everyone in the crowd was drawn to. When I asked my mother about this painting, she said that it was the Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world. Every day I would research this painting and narrate what I had learnt to my parents during our evening stroll. Over time my curiosity expanded, from Mona Lisa to its artist Leonardo Da Vinci, to the period in which he lived, the Renaissance, and slowly to the whole of history. I then started writing essays about each topic that I learnt, which eventually got published into a series of books called ‘World History in 3 Points’ by Hachette, the world’s second-largest publisher, and my next book ‘Hidden Links’ is published by Penguin, the world’s largest.

Now, the bigger question. As everyone around thinks that it is Science and Mathematics that define life — am I wasting my time by spending time on a subject like History? Is History as a subject important at all? Though many might think that History is unimportant or trivial or just another subject that could be ignored, it might not be so. It might have many important lessons for our living, well-being and prosperity. Let us look at these one by one.

Firstly, History helps to make our present and future better. My most favourite philosopher, Georg Hegel, said that history is not about repairing the mistakes of our predecessors, but learning from their successes. Though we might argue that modern society is more evolved than ancient ones, in terms of education and technology, we might learn important lessons from the past to make our present and future better. For example, as today most of us spend our time on a phone or computer, ALONE, and not with family and friends, from Ancient India we can learn to live together in communities.

Secondly, History helps in our daily well-being. For example, the French philosopher, Rene Descartes helps us to simplify and solve life’s toughest questions, like what is life or who is god? He does this in a four-step method: 1. Accept only the truth 2. Break down this truth into smaller units 3. Solve the easier problems first 4. Solve the remaining problems.

Justice, as shown by the Russian philosopher Immanuel Kant. Kant says that the key to justice is not locking somebody up or torturing them, but rather making them feel how it is to go through a crime they have committed. For example, a thief would not recognize his crime if he was locked up, but rather if something important to him was taken.

History also helps us to simply live a happy life — much more important to life than anything else. The Greek philosopher Epicurus says that to live a happy life, one must let go of unnecessary desires and be happy with simple things and philosophical conversations. Furthermore, he also claims that the key to a relaxed life is to live it with Friends and Freedom.

Now, lastly, subjects like mathematics and science perceive the world in a black-and-white manner with yes or no answers. Dropping a ball proves gravity, applying the brakes on a car proves inertia, and no matter how many times an equation is redone, done by different people, or solved with different methods, the right answer will always remain the same. However, History is different, it is not black and white, but rather shades of grey. For example, I recently posted an Instagram reel about the Spanish delight, Chocolate churros made with fried dough and chocolate sauce. In this video, I said cacao beans — from which chocolate is made — were introduced to Spain when the Spaniards INVADED South America and Mexico. Immediately, one of my Spanish viewers pointed out that I was wrong and that Spain did not INVADE South America but instead DISCOVERED it. Both these are totally different perspectives, one is passive and one is aggressive, but both might hold some element of truth. History helps us to understand and substantiate different perspectives. It helps us develop skills like critical thinking.

In the future, history will drive true career opportunities for us. The world economic forum predicts that in a future where all modern jobs, especially in technology, manufacturing, and services, will be taken over by AI and machines, the only skill that will differentiate us from AI are those involving critical thinking skills. And this skill, we saw, comes from subjects like history.

So, I am certain, not only that I have made the right decision to pursue history, but it is important for each of us to have a brush with history, and truly understand what this wonderful subject offers us — to help us live better, learn better. Now, pick up any book on history and truly immerse yourself in it. Learn about ancient Egypt, ancient India, the Hellenistic period, the Silk Road, the Plague of Justinian, the Spanish Flu, the Black Death, the fall of Constantinople, the Reformation, the Renaissance, Hammurabi Code, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka, Charlemagne, Akbar and Napoleon. And see how it overhauls your life.

My Books

Hidden Links on Amazon

World History in 3 Points

More World History in 3 Points

Earlier interview with SN

Watch out for SN Mentoring

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