ServMon Writeup — HackTheBox

Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2020

Made by RebornSec ®

This box is windows based box made up by dmw0ng that needs to enumerate every part of the box to gain access to our user using a vulnerability in NVMS-1000 and then building our malicious code to access to root. Enjoy !

Enumeration phase :

As usual let’s start with the Nmap scan :

[~] Nmap -sC -sV

Checking FTP (53) using anonymous login we found some good hints :

Nadine directory contains good information about where the password is located :

Nathan directory gives us some notes about the updates that needs to manage :

Checking the login page (80) we notice that we can’t access it using usual login credentials or either SQL injection :

But we notice that this login page is build using Management System Login NVMS-1000 let’s try to find an exploit for it :

let’s check the first exploit :

Using burp suite to exploit the vulnerability :

I found some credentials :

These hashes are found :


Let’s try them out with our couple users :



To do so i used hydra to check ssh login using both files users.txt and cryptedCreds.txt :

New ssh login credential found :


Let’s try to login to our user Nadine :

And we got our user.txt :)

Root phase :

On my way to check a way to gain root access i checked if i can access to the user Nathan :

Access is denied appeared, i checked also whoami /all for some privileges :

Nothing appears suspicious, digging on the files i found windows agent super vision NSClient++ can access to the host password :


Using the documentation of NSClient++ i figure out a way to get shell :

Now check on which port NSClient service is running :

And seems it’s running on port 8443, it’s time to make our malicious script.

Let’s upload our script.bat and nc.exe first into Temp directory :

Malicious script : reborn.bat

Firing our server apache2 and start uploading :

Open other terminal and start listening :

[~] nc -nlvp 443

We add our script rebornsec.bat to the list of the system scripts and executing it :

And we got a shell :

Congratulation we got our root.txt :

Long road box but full of new things to learn :) Thanks again HackTheBox for this amazing box.

