Sudachi v0.5.0 release notes

Hiroshi Kato
Sudachi Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018
New feature: In v0.5.0 update dialog has been improved!

Today I’ve released Sudachi new version 0.5.0! In this version, for delivering updates of application to users quickly, the dialog to notify updates has been greatly changed.

Background Photo by Josh Withers on Unsplash


  • New feature Improve the dialog for notification about application update. In a version that is greater than 0.5.0, the dialog will be shown automatically when a new version would be found. It includes release notes about new version and three kinds of buttons like Remind Me Later, Update Now, Skip This Version. If you click the button of Remind Me Later, Sudachi will notify updates 3 days later. sudachiapp/forum#34
  • New feature Show the progress bar while downloading packages of application when clicking the button of Update Now. And also, you can hide the progress bar by clicking the button of Hide. sudachiapp/forum#34
  • New feature Be able to carry over a single task to next day. You can either use this function by clicking the button in toolbar menu or by keyboard shortcut ( + shift + l). sudachiapp/forum#35
  • Improvement Check application update automatically by interval of 2 hours. sudachiapp/forum#34
  • Improvement Add a hover effect and the tooltips to buttons of the toolbar menu. The tooltips show a title of button and a keyboard shortcut. sudachiapp/forum#36
  • Improvement Show a snackbar after carrying over the tasks.
  • Bug fix Fix a bug that the Sudachi shows a blank white screen in main window and dose not work at all. (Thanks ozaki-san, naito-san, ishibashi-san, rio-san) sudachiapp/forum#30
  • Bug fix Fix a bug that the tasks carried over are deleted. (Thanks naito-san, ishibashi-san) sudachiapp/forum#31

Note: In v0.4.0 the dialog that notifies the updates will be shown when you restart the Sudachi app. In a version that is greater than 0.5.0, a new dialog will be shown automatically when a new version would be found.

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