Sudachi v0.9.0 release notes

Hiroshi Kato
Sudachi Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2019
Background photo by Simon Launay on Unsplash

Today I’m sending out Sudachi v0.9.0! In this version, several improvements for the usability of timetable and a few important bug fixes are included.

New feature The timetable area are scrolled automatically.


  • New feature The timetable area are scrolled automatically to the position where the added tasks are visible. (Thanks @daicche ) forum issue sudachiapp/forum#7
  • New feature Focus syncing between the editor and the timetable area is added. When a task is clicked in the timetable, its line of task list in the editor is focused.
  • Improvement The Motion design for when moving or clicking a task in the timetable is added.
  • Improvement The drag hander of the line of task list is visible when its line is hovered.
  • Improvement Update react@16.8.3, react-dom@16.8.3.
  • Bug fix Fix a bug a task data is deleted when pc is relaunched. (Thanks rio-san) forum issue sudachiapp/forum#48
  • Bug fix Fix a bug that mark of strikethrough is not applied to completed task. (Thanks naitoooo!)
  • Bug fix Fix a bug that a line of numbered list is not incremented when a new line is created.

Note: Sudachi for windows is not supported the auto updater. If you want to update the app to version 0.9.0, please download its installer from Sudachi download page.

