A Feeling Sits Quietly

A Poem

Barbara Lima
Suddenly Sky Clad
Nov 4, 2021


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

A feeling sits quietly in a corner of your heart
Its legs bent in
Hugged by its arms
Contained by its face buried between its knees
Blocking its exit

Like a grounded child

Not understanding why it can’t
Stretch its limits
Take air and space
It starts to hurt
From the discomfort of not being seen

Unable to quiet itself any longer
It unbends its legs
Stands up
And crosses the lines that the heart
Drew prior to its speech

Let me say it

As it pronounces its truth
The heart
With no choice but to open its doors
Sets the feeling free
Once it runs through your mouth

Has it ever existed?

©Barbara Lima 2021

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Barbara Lima
Suddenly Sky Clad

A heart regenerator and a healing pen. Poetry and creative nonfiction.