I’ve returned, Mother

A poem

Barbara Lima
Suddenly Sky Clad
Dec 22, 2021


Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

The eyes I see
Are one
Bright shining light
Surrendered in peace

These days of my becoming
Arms wide of abundance
Equanimous thirst for what is to be
Grateful, grounded

Gaining foot direction and precipice
For wings that learn how to fly
Open and certain

In your embrace I have found myself
Edge of the abyss landscape and sky
Spacious and serene
Crusts falling down

Diligently composting
Nourishing my own roots
Returning to you
And to myself

Oh, the doors I have opened in my heart
Chamber-sheltered pain bottles
Dusty of emptiness

Who I once was
Evaporated in the alchemy
Of water and fire

Clean of chasing storms
I, liquid
You, cocoon.

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Barbara Lima
Suddenly Sky Clad

A heart regenerator and a healing pen. Poetry and creative nonfiction.