Where Do I Belong

A landscape poem about losses

Barbara Lima
Suddenly Sky Clad
1 min readJan 27, 2022


Photo by Pawel Nolbert on Unsplash

This lush, green oasis she was sitting on
(Rapidly she realised)
Was surrounded by a deep, vast desert

In its horizon
Her losses lined up
Side by side
One by one

Some of them
Having never been given rightful recognition
Appeared to claim their status

These layers of denial you’ve clad us with, they said
Here, watch us throw them in the wind
We won’t let you close your eyes this time, they said
Feel the coldness of our nakedness in your heart
Rip off your sanctuary of goodbyes
Release them from your self-protection
Touch, taste them

Playing drums of solitude and despair
Past, present and future
Swarmed her

The sounds she heard:
— Where do I belong?

©Barbara Lima 2020

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Barbara Lima
Suddenly Sky Clad

A heart regenerator and a healing pen. Poetry and creative nonfiction.