Interval 6: College

susy dodson
Suddenslip Interspersed
11 min readNov 30, 2023




Rebecca wandered the halls of the university smiling to herself. What a gift, this life. Living with her in-laws, Elizabeth and Mike Sr., is indeed a blessing. Melody, just turning …

“Oh excuse me.” Rebecca almost knocked someone to the ground. Stumbling herself, she would have lost her footing, if he hadn’t reached out to steady her.

“No worries. You’re Rebecca yes?”

Rebecca looks into eyes which seemed to imperceptibly change between cold and warm with each word.

“I’m sorry. I was just remembering, I’m…” Rebecca stops herself. She doesn’t know this man. His eyes remind her of something troubling her heart and mind.

“Are you okay?”

He asked.

Rebecca didn’t answer, she just turned around and walked away. Thinking about all she’d lost in one short year.

Samantha (Various dates)

Big sigh. It’s me Samantha.

I looked back at the last time I talked to you. September 22, 2022. I literally thought, it’d only been, at a minimum, two months.

It’s February 2023.

No. It’s actually March 12, 2023. No…



susy dodson
Suddenslip Interspersed

Part of the conversation, sharing the conversation, & hopefully learning more about our world in the process.