Interval 1: The Telegram

susy dodson
Suddenslip Interspersed
4 min readMar 15, 2022


It always comes back to the telegram. I thought it wasn’t real, but there it is. Sent to a ‘medium’ called Medium. Funny isn’t it? Words always have power in one way or the other. How do we not see this? Apparently susy dodson was the one assigned to keep the record while I was waiting for the next move. She can take a step back now. This story isn’t for the real world. I mean, it is for the real world, but not as a real world story. Hold on a second.

Let’s backtrack — this publication. This Suddenslip Interspersed Publication is a story. A fiction, if you will, about a woman who discovers the truth is real. And it sets you free. Does it?

The other, the not truth, is an illusion. Right?

Hey remember, this is fiction. My world, my story.

And yes, I had to use a real person to get it started, which I’m grateful, but she really doesn’t know anything about this story.

It seems to have started back in 2017. No, let’s go back to August 2016. I was on travel for work out west. One night in my hotel, just at those darkest hours of the morning, around 2amish. I literally sat up in the middle of the bed with the words running through my mind, “They believe the truth isn’t real.” Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

I’m trying to sleep and some deep philosophical phrase is keeping me awake.



susy dodson
Suddenslip Interspersed

Part of the conversation, sharing the conversation, & hopefully learning more about our world in the process.