thoughts-1 What happened to justice?

susy dodson
Suddenslip Interspersed
5 min readApr 23, 2023


My side note — what a life, yes? Sometimes it feels like one crisis after another. I have not been diligent in allowing to Samantha to tell her story. I am so sorry. There is a darkness which has no power, but the illusion of power in our lives. I don’t know if you’ve read anything besides the Intervals, that I’ve written, but I know there is hope in this world. Especially when I feel hopeless. God puts people in my life, from all walks and beliefs, etc., who challenge me, who give me hope. I MUST hold on to that hope. In the meantime, I’m going to share what Samantha (fictional character) posted on Substack.

I had originally titled the story — Notes-1, but Substack just launched their Notes: Post short-form content, recommend anything —

So I changed my title to thoughts-1. 😊 I literally just changed it, which is why the URL still has notes-1 in it. Technology! :)

End Side Note.

Samantha’s thoughts posted to Substack originally on Dec 1, 2022.



susy dodson
Suddenslip Interspersed

Part of the conversation, sharing the conversation, & hopefully learning more about our world in the process.