Sharing Specs in Jest

Walter Reyes
2 min readSep 27, 2017


Recently I decided to dive fully into testing react applications and I was hooked the moment I realized how easy it was to add specs using Jest and enzyme.

After writing specs for the app I am currently working on, I found myself in the situation of duplicating the same specs for different parts of the code over and over again.

I wanted to DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) my test suite up, and coming from Rails and Rspec, I was looking for something like Shared Examples but with Jest.

The idea is to move duplicated specs into shared examples and include those shared examples wherever it’s necessary.

I did’nt find a clear solution so I decided to craft my own and I thought it would be nice to share it in case someone else is in a similar situation.

So here it is:

Let’s say that your specs live inside a folder called tests .

I created a folder called shared_examples under tests to store my shared specs.

In shared_examples/index.js I added the following function:

Then I added my shared examples, for exampleaLiveBeing.js:

Then in a spec that needs these shared examples, for examplePerson.spec.js:

And that’s it! Now the shared specs are added and executed dynamically.

Under args you can send different variables so your shared examples can be more customizable.

If you have a better solution I’d love to hear it!


