A brand new identity for Skcript

We now have a new identity, and we would like to give you why we felt the need for a new identity, and how it came along, and where we are heading.

Karthik Kamalakannan
Sudo vs Root


We now have a new identity, and we would like to give you why we felt the need for a new identity, and how it came along, and where we are heading.

2014 was a great year for us as a company. We literally spent most of the time designing ideas, learning from real-world experiences and thinking about the culture of the company.

But late last year, we decided that we wanted to bring all the bold, crazy and beautiful ideas to life, and start working on one such thing with the help of a partnering company.

Since then, we have been making progress with what we always loved to do, which is to “Create”.

The Context

We think its important to carry an identity that the team is proud of, and is super excited about. At our quiet and brilliant HQ, we started working on a product that’s hitting the market this month. Literally everyday during our lunch and cleaning breaks, we spent time scribbling things that we were excited about, and we realized that we are, and we wanted to be the premium brand in the industry. And as a first step towards that, we wanted a new logo.

The idea for the new logo was pretty simple.

  • The logo has to be in black and white.
  • It should have and can never be designed again.
  • And above all, it should reflect our passion for technology and standards of innovation.

Design and Iteration

To reflect all three pointers, we wanted someone who could make this a reality. And that person, has to be totally in love with calligraphy. There was no one other than Josan Astrid on our mind.

We quickly hopped onto Facebook Messenger, and spoke to Josan, who we strongly believed could bring our greatest ideas out to the world.


The initial few prototypes revolved around the idea of calligraphy, brushed and thick designs. When the initial prototypes came in, we were super excited. Everyone dropped their Macs and came together to the meeting board to exactly get what we wanted.

We iterated, scratched off the surface of our meeting board, but still, something was missing. Each and everyone at the HQ were coming up with their own version of iteration, and were trying to bring what would best reflect our true company values, and we all were waiting for that “This is it.” moment to come.

After a while, the moment we were waiting for, arrived. Swaathi wrote the world Skcript on Paper for iPad, which had the perfect idea that we had in mind.

The final prototype of the logo with Paper for iPad

The idea was to make sure the S and K does not look awkward, and is still connected in a beautiful way, without disturbing the other letters in the word.

We quickly sent our iteration to Josan, and had our fingers crossed for her to digitize the logo for us. After just about two days, it arrived. We all turned around to look at our shiny new logo at the huge meeting room television. That was the moment which took the air out of the room, leaving us in absolute silence. A silence that confirmed that we were on the right path, and the design was the reflect of who we are and what we stand for.

Our new identity

The new logo we have is not just another logo designed for money. It was an outcome of ridiculous passion we have for our company and technology. The bold strokes throughout the logo reflects our work culture and the rebellious approach to work on any technology that can exist on the planet. The partially unfinished characters in the logo is a reminder that we are never complete and we have something new to learn all the time.

A brand new identity for Skcript

Just like any other good thing that happened at Skcript, we followed our heart to arrive at an identity that is appealing, and beautiful the way it is. We would love to see our new identity engraved in our product that we would be shipping this quarter. And starting this month, all our products will reflect our new design language and identity.

Thanks to Josan for bringing our idea to reality. ☺

P.S.: Our new identity has been making rounds around the office and we literally have everything covered for you here on Flickr.



Karthik Kamalakannan
Sudo vs Root

Co-founder & CEO of @SkcriptHQ. Building Hellonext.co. I write about building a bootstrapped SaaS business.