Development tools every college kid should know

Varun Raj
Sudo vs Root
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

I’m writing this because the people (management and faculties) in college think what they teach in colleges will help shape a student’s career. This is especially the case for Computer Science majors.

I know this fact because I was also a college kids few months back. Students are not much aware about the industry and they just thinks it’s all about just few complex C programs they gonna write when they step into software development field. Even few of my mates use to tell me that. I felt really bad when hearing such thoughts.

This article is mainly to help students of colleges who are on the verge of finishing their degrees and about to join software companies. I’ll explain what the industries are actually using and not just C program compilers :P

  1. Sublime Text

It’s a popular text editor for writing code, the coolest part of it is that the size of the application is tiny that it can run in any computer. People use it like crazy and it’s a freemium tool, you can enjoy the trial for your lifetime.

2. Git (Github)

Git is a version control tool which most of the students are not aware of, yet this is something no company will forget to use. It helps you to have various version of your source code and easier to manage who contributed which part. Probably students should use it in their college projects. It’s a open source tool and you can use sites like Github and Bitbucket for a hosted version.

3. Terminal

This is something that’s the core of any development. Whenever you see it, you’ll get a geeky feel. Students are aware of command prompt in windows operating system, that’s what exactly what terminals are. But developers mostly use linux terminals over windows cmd, mainly for comfort they get in it. If you want to become a tech guy after college, you can’t just skip this tool.

4. Rest Clients

Rest clients are not so important but it’s something of interest to people, This is a tool which is used for talking with API’s. API are the programming interface which applications gives us. If you’re building an game for Facebook, you initially use this tool to check everything in your app that talks with Facebook APIs then code for it.

5. HTTP Servers

HTTP Servers are used everywhere. A company will use it in one or the other projects. It’s like a basic requirement for any company that is building a web based project. And it’s also pretty cool tool even you can do magics with it. When I was in college I used to host my small website and see it in all my friend’s computers. We even used it during practical exams for sharing source code, it was fun!



Varun Raj
Sudo vs Root

Sr. Application Architect @SkcriptHQ | Internet Addict | Multi Platform Developer | Technology Evangelist | Crazy thinker