Five things to consider when choosing enterprise productivity applications

Karthik Kamalakannan
Sudo vs Root
Published in
3 min readJul 16, 2016

Every business evolves over time, and every evolution accepts and adopts to change. Modern businesses adopt technologies which are futuristic and the ones that solve a problem. These are the five things we think you should consider when choosing a productivity application for your organization:

  1. A way to communicate and get the message across to everyone in your team, wherever they are. It could be email, instant messaging platform or their mobile devices (Even SMS, if something is super important)
  2. Having all your information organized in one central platform. This will help people in your organization to simply understand and use one single tool rather than multiple tools.
  3. Content should be easier to search and should conveniently be organized automatically for you.
  4. An easy way to share policies, knowledge and other announcements. Make sure these changes reach everyone, and in a way they can give you useful feedback.
  5. Sharing information and files effortlessly with one and other and across teams.

P.S. Allt has this beautiful feature, which provides you access to almost all of your information right from within your email client. Say that you want to know what tasks are on your plate at any point of time of day, you just have to shoot an email to an ID, and it is going to get back to you with the perfect beautiful reply with the tasks you have.

While there are more things you might have to consider when deciding a productivity platform for your enterprise, these five points might be just one of them.

Ultimately, choosing a tool for your organization is not about using tools which are hot right now. It is about using tools which will help your organization perform better today, and tomorrow.

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Karthik Kamalakannan
Sudo vs Root

Co-founder & CEO of @SkcriptHQ. Building I write about building a bootstrapped SaaS business.