Inside Skcript: From a Mechanical Engineer to Lead Designer

Get to know the man behind the beautiful design of our products — Dinesh Pandian.

Sudo vs Root


1. How did you get started in Computer Science?

I have a diploma in Mechanical Engineering, never really wanted to get in to Computer Science. But I ended up here, since it was cool at that time. I then enjoyed the simplicity of C, making the computer do things that I wrote is pretty awesome. When I completed Engineering, I actually didn’t know what to do. It was thanks to a couple of my friends who told me about Web Designing, the likes of HTML/CSS/JS. The thing is, I never liked HTML either, I used to fail in college. :P I am actually not good at drawing either, but I loved seeing beautiful designs and felt that was the most important thing, since that’s what the user first sees. I have horrible handwriting too, but I love admiring great typography.

2. What was your path to Skcript?

So one day I just woke up and resigned my job at my first office. Having no clue what lay ahead for me, or no clue why I did that. I then spent a month learning new things, and posting on job hosting websites. My childhood friend, Arun, who inspired me to do web designing in the early days, told me about Skcript and about their culture. I really liked it, so i called up Karthik and we arranges a meeting. When we met, I was completely inspired and I LOVED their culture. It was everything I was hoping for. He told me to think about the offer, but when I left the office that day, I knew I wanted to be there. He gave me a small task to do, and I did it, and they loved it. So I was in! For the first few days, it was hard since I came from a different work culture, but everyone is so kind here, so they helped me fit right it. I love the workflow, and thinking out of the box, and actually implementing those out of the box things. It’s great working here.

3. What’s the most interesting technical challenge you’ve worked on since joining?

I was really afraid to try new things out, since that was the work culture at my old office, and the first site I was working on was pretty scary since everyone was depending on me. But it was not pressure because I loved my job and it was up to me to get this product right. I like implementing my own ideas where I don’t have to listen to anyone, so if I wasn’t happy with the design I always had the power to change it. Karthik really encouraged me and helped me learn. I was really proud to contribute to Skcript, I have learnt so much in my time here.

4. What do you want to work on next?

I really want to work on iOS and Mac development. I want to design for different devices and use cases. I also want to improve at my JS skills since that will enhance the user experience even more. At the end of the day, I just want to bring a smile to the user.

5. What is your favorite core value of Skcript, and how do you live it?

There’s no hierarchy here, everyone is the same. And you get to speak out and have your ideas implemented without anyone taking veto. I love the freedom here, it gives me enough space to be creative but still get the work done in the best way possible.

6. What’s your favorite Skcript experience?

We went to IIT for a tech event — I’ve never been to any event before, and there I was sitting as a judge. I never knew I had the eligibility to be judging people. And so many people asked me questions and i loved helping them. I like giving back to the community and being humble That’s what I love about Skcript, it gives me the opportunity to explore things about me that I never knew. And I LOVE the snack pantry here! I can ask whatever I want, and it’s there for me. Also, when we get too stressed out, we get to play Uno. :P

7. What would you say to those who’ll be joining Skcript in future?

Be ready to explore your possibilities and push yourself to the limit. You never have to stress out about work, just love it. Never be shy, always speak out your heart.

Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last. -Hamilton Holt “.

Originally published at



Sudo vs Root

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