This. Is. Who. We. Are.

Sudo vs Root
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2015


There are a zillion startup companies out there. Doing things that really matter. Experimenting things that would have an impact in their own world. Crafting every minute detail of their product, striving to make it successful. Talking about their success and failure stories with their friends, families and partners. The entire startup ecosystem is just another extension of life. Sometimes it’s high. Sometimes it’s low. Sometimes it’s unpredictable, with a tomorrow, that’s not promised.

A new startup? Why?

We have been looking at a lot of startups across the world. Their stories are different. Some try to put the blame on their luck for not succeeding. But some, very rarely do they agree that they made a mistake. Skcript, is one such brutally straight forward company that would be brave enough to face whatever comes its way.

We never sat down to create a company. We sat down thinking a way to express our intense passion for technology and its related fields. We sat down, thinking about a way to just tell the world that sometimes, it takes more than just money to create a good company. Today, we are here, as a self-funded company, with its beliefs as its core value, and its passion as its DNA.

There was this wonderful evening where we were sitting in a conference room, talking about the way things are designed. We hated them. The way certain products worked. The way the world is still struggling to find the perfect fit for every single common man out there. When we talk about common man, we talk about the people, who think a zillion times before spending ₹ 10, which is $0.16 if you’re new to that symbol.

These wonderful evenings did not happen only once. It happened every single day, for too many months in a row. Skcript is not a company, that came out of the blue. We discussed, discussed and discussed. Tried to bash into the walls to thinking about one thing that would solve something that would affect the yet-to-be-affected part of the world. And then, we decided to focus every single beam of passion we have for technology, under one single projection. And that’s how Skcript happened.

Why here?

It was only in Silicon Valley that the time was compressed. People are always on the run. They want to ship products, they are desperate about the ‘privacy’ of their users, and, they are very intense in doing what they love to do. But literally, the rest of the world, is still struggling to make such a noise, and make something amazing.

Skcript, as I mentioned earlier, is something that came out of mere passion and intense desire to do something different. We started out as an internet based three member company, with a vision to create products that we loved. We did it for ourselves, and now, we are all set to do that for you, today.

So, what’s our true North?

We are not going to start off telling that our plan is very simple. The plan that we are onto, is something that would be simple in other countries, but its pretty complex right here. We are here, to invent things every single day. We are here to create products that really matters. And we are here, to create a community, that would have its viral growth for generations to come.

With Skcript, we want to do more than just creating products. We believe that any startup’s true North is about leaving its trails even when something terrible happens to that. Leaving its trails in such a way that the community will remember its existence. And today, we are here, with our own complete courseware for those round pegs in the square holes. While we would take time to implement this, we think we are close to that.

And Finally…

Before we sign off, we wanted to make one thing clear. To us, it’s not about carrying a fancy business card with our logo on it. It’s all about creating intriguing possibilities and planting the thought on the young minds, that would create something exceptional.

Finally, we are here, following our passion, that kindles our soul, and reawakens our mind. We are Skcript. And This. Is. Who. We. Are.

Originally published at on March 22, 2014.



Sudo vs Root

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