What Do You Need To Improve Your Presentation Skills As A Non-Native English Speaker And A Software Developer?

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2 min readMar 4, 2019


When it comes to talking about a project plan, the results, and analysis of a presentation, and training someone, or giving a seminar, there’s a lot to learn for software developers that don’t speak English as a native language:

1. You need to express yourself in a proper, understandable way so that you can gather attention. You must clear up the mistakes in your language and be fluent.

2. You have to impress people not only by what you talk about but also the way you talk about it. That could be neither easy nor enjoyable for you as you are a technical person. That’s why it needs some extra effort.

3. You should use a convincing language for your thesis and the questions that are likely to be asked to you. That’s to say, you need to make sure that the crowd agrees with you.

You can’t do all these things only by expanding your English vocabulary. You need someone or some tools to give you business tips that could be used in impressing the audience and managing them. Software developers generally prefer simplicity over details. They like to talk about their projects in general terms, unlike giving details.

They answer questions in a rigid manner and they can be considered didactic, bossy, and persistent sometimes. SudoSpeak is created so that they can make presentations taking the audience into account, demonstrating that their communication skills are just as good as what they design.




Business English and communication curriculum tailored for software developers to help them join international companies and projects. Web: sudospeak.io