Who Are We?

Cagatay Yazici
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2018

Long ago, once we were a team that used to spend their days sitting in front of the computer, coding all day long and prefer developing software over understanding and telling about it, we hit the brick wall when it came to talk about our work in English.

Imagine that you believe in yourself, trust your technical competencies and you see as if you are able to conquer the world with these two. You’ve got a certain coding talent in your pocket, and many ideas for many needs, in your mind. Just when you set to run, something comes up and steps on the brakes. That is exactly what we went through then.

We came to see that it was impossible to make a real progress without solid English knowledge to work for the international A-list companies or interact with the communities we dreamed of. We weren’t unfamiliar with the English language and none of us were too lazy to study or struggled to get disciplined. However, we realized that what we had learned did not quite work out well for us.

  • We had to express ourselves and talk about our works fluently in interviews, freelance deals, or business meetings.
  • In order to do that, other than just being good at reading and writing, it was important for us to become skilled in speaking.
  • What’s more, our -software developers’- world was different. Because we worked in a totally technological environment, what we needed was a vocabulary to use in our job, rather than learn about general activities.

To put it simply, we recognized that it was not enough to read and understand English. As long as we couldn’t speak properly and impress people, our competencies in coding couldn’t make it possible for us to have the business life we dreamed of.

We knew that we had different characteristics than most of the people that worked in other sectors. We needed an English teaching system that would be prepared specifically for our needs, wipe out our traditional reluctance to communicate, and enable us to contact people all around the world in any circumstances related to our business life. The decision was made.

During that period of time, we underwent a process in which we prepared our own syntheses by using different types of methods and tools because we couldn’t find the exact product we wanted. We managed to improve our English but our efforts on that caused a considerable loss of time. The time we allocated for this process got in the way of allocating enough time for learning about professional stuff and, without question, our job was just about learning something new and working on them.

This experience took us to another point and eventually we understood that someone needed to develop an English teaching product that was appropriate for the software developers’ nature, style, and fit their bill in business life. Then we rolled up our sleeves and that’s how SudoSpeak was born. In other words, what put us in action, prompted us to create a system like this and share it with people is our own experiences. SudoSpeak is created by the brains and hands of a team that feels an empathy with their counterparts and lives in the world of codes.

Our priority was to make it possible for the software developers to study at any time, anywhere, without having to blend in with the crowd. We thought we had to make them speak. We had to do that for the occasions in which the software developers needed to express themselves rather than just expanding their vocabulary for daily activities.

The lessons had to be prepared so well and the product needed to support the software developers to live global. It required to keep them from searching for another system or tool along with new questions and needs by giving the English they need in their lives directly. We had to give the English that served the purpose and we included what a software developer would face in his/her business life, in one go.

We designed every detail of our course of study accordingly, prepared each and every minute of our lessons on the phone by taking these things into account, and chose our coaches according to this. We wholeheartedly believe that the people who can supply a need are the ones that used to need that particular thing before.

If you know what a person goes through in a certain situation and have first-hand experience of it, you base your product on facts rather than assumptions. We believe that SudoSpeak is now the best solution to provide the software developers around the world with support in order that they globalize themselves and their works.

