Why We Develop SudoSpeak?

Cagatay Yazici
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2018

If you are a Software Developer, sooner or later, you realize that having solid English knowledge is a must for you to do your job thoroughly. Because limited, simple, or restrained career dreams are not very common for a developer.

If you are a developer, you desire to put your signature to a groundbreaking software. You desire that everybody benefits from your invention. You desire to gain a seat in a company that changes the world, employs the most creative and competent colleagues, and you desire to create something with them.

That being the case, expressing things in an appealing and effective way comes to the forefront as well as your professional competence. You take an action to bring your English up to the level you wish.

You come across too many alternatives in the market. You see countless products and ways that you can use to bring your English up to the required level. A software developer is a hardworking and responsible person, that’s why most of the products will add something to him/her.

However; claiming that a single product will meet all your needs when you complete the set is something different. Many products may contribute to a Software Developer’s English, but they don’t necessarily prepare them for the upcoming business scenarios. In that case, the developer has to use a lot of sources and tools for his English needs, he even he invents some tools to deal with some certain English needs.

Many of the Business English products in the market are not designed by the people that are familiar with their profession. Many are not created by pro-educators. Majority of them are not produced by a white-collar, in other words, a person within the business world.

Some fail to help advance speaking skills. Some do not include components improving grammar in the most impressive and proper way. Some of them don’t provide the business terminology that a software developer needs. As a result, your ‘developing my English’ project isn’t fully completed by using those products.

Here, SudoSpeak provides you with a service by taking all of these things into account. You will kill all the birds with one stone!

  • SudoSpeak is the first and the only English Learning Product that is designed considering Software developers’ needs in business life.
  • The structure and the content of the system are not developed only by the educators and editors, or only by the Software Developers that mastered in English, or only by the business world professionals that have experiences in every corner of the white-collar life.
  • SudoSpeak provides you with a phrase repertory that you can use for any situation in your daily business life.
  • The starting point of SudoSpeak is not only satisfying the needs of people that cannot put into words what they learn. Beyond that, it is to supply the needs of a special group of people who are not very much fond of expressing themselves.
  • SudoSpeak provides software developers with all the equipment that they need in business life to express themselves, understand correctly, impress and persuade others, in English. Thus, it will also set the substructure for them to do the same things in their native language.

