Why we decided to infuse invoices with design

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3 min readApr 12, 2018

“I really love doing my invoicing!” Said no one ever.

We get it.

We started Sufio for people who hated spending time on their invoices. Three years later, we think differently.

“We now know more about taxes and invoices than we ever wanted to know.”

We aimed to build an app that would make invoicing less of a hassle. Once we’ve done that, we encountered another problem: our invoices were still ugly.

So we thought: What if we designed an invoice that looks great?

We laughed and laughed at this idea. And then we did it.

We contacted some great print designers on Behance and Dribbble, and turned to them with one request: help us change the boring world of invoices.

We were about to change the way people perceived invoices, so we weren’t about to half-ass it.

We asked the designers to create invoice templates that would be unique, but simple enough to be customisable to various brand styles.


Well, would Cartier send an ugly invoice?

Design can be a deal-breaker or a deal-maker for a brand. Just look at Apple or Squarespace.

We look up to brands that dare to change the playing field. I once proposed to take shots every time one of us says “Apple”. But that would get us all wasted before noon.

These days, it’s not so much about what you do, it’s about how you do it.

Customer experience counts more than ever. You don’t want to take a customer through a delightful shopping experience, only to ruin that impression with belated, incomplete, or bad-looking invoices.

The easiest way to come back from a bad impression? Don’t make one.

If you’re still wondering, “Why do I need this? Don’t people accept invoices to be boring? Surely it doesn’t matter what they look like?”

The answer is yes. People accept and expect ugly invoices. We bet some people even expect ugly packages. But we’re not about that life.

Our customers are online store owners, digital entrepreneurs and freelancers who refuse to settle for mediocrity.

For these people, an invoice doesn’t have to be a plain piece of paper with numbers on it. It can be a brand’s trademark.

Sufio is for the quality-seekers, the perfectionists, the people with taste in good design, and the ones who care about details.

See how beautiful your invoices could look with Sufio.




Published in Sufio

Sufio allows customers to send beautiful invoices crafted by world’s top print designers. We believe in simplicity, and we want invoices to become a powerful branding tool.


Written by Sufio

We're Sufio → Invoicing app for online stores. Yeah, we do invoices. And we think they're exciting. Hard to believe? Just check us out! www.sufio.com

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