I’m a Parent Who’s Also a Sex Worker

Lying about my job is the norm, and I’m afraid of being outed.

Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Is it possible to be a sex worker and also a good parent? Yes. Just because a woman has a job in the sex industry doesn’t mean she’s a bad parent.

Sex workers are business people who happen to sell sex as a product. As long as they’re adults selling sex to other consenting adults, this doesn’t mean they’re bad people or morally suspect.

It just means they choose to sell sex for a living.

As a single mom, I find sex work provides a viable way for me to provide for my family. My priority is to bring up healthy, well-adjusted children. My goal is also to keep my children safe. I would never, ever expose them to my work. I keep my work life and my personal life fastidiously separated.

And yet because of my job, some consequences affect me as a parent.

Especially as a school parent. Take the new system that district authorities have set up at my children’s school. This new procedure requires we check into the office before going onto campus, to slide our IDs through a machine that reviews our records to make sure we’re not sex offenders.

Some of the parents have lamented the inconvenience this causes as it makes for more of a…



Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl. emmewitt.com