What I Learned About Men as a Sex Worker

I don’t hate men. I have more compassion for men than ever. However, I’ve also seen how entitled men can be.

Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed


Everyone assumes that because I’m a sex worker, I hate men. I don’t. On the contrary, my job has enabled me to develop more compassion for men. However, I have also seen men at their worse, and in that case, I have to have very good boundaries.

Before I started sex work, I used to fear men.

Before I got into sex work, I didn’t understand men very well. I was even a little afraid of men.

I always felt like I was at the mercy of their whims. I fell in love too easily, and because I was the one who became emotionally invested, it felt like men were the ones who got to decide whether or not they liked me.

As such, I often felt used by men for sex. I was completely ignorant that there was an emotional component to male sexuality. I believed that sex was just physical for men.

Once I started doing sex work, however, men began to make themselves very vulnerable to me.

Sex can be very emotional for men — even when it’s with a sex worker.



Emme Witt-Eden
Sugar Cubed

Sex, relationships, and culture writer. Kink expert. Author of Confessions of a Middle-Aged F-Girl. emmewitt.com