Beans Are The Reason The Slow Carb Diet — Is SLOW
Why beans work. And an alternative bean hack, just in case.
In his best selling book The 4-Hour Body Tim Ferriss outlines his Slow Carb Diet.
The Slow Carb Diet is basically a Low-Carb diet with some add-ons.
One of the add-ons is Beans or Legumes.
You are required to eat beans or lentils with every meal. That includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The problem is, Tim never says how many beans. In other areas of the diet info (about 60 pages out of a 600 page book) he says to eat until you are full. No need to count calories or carbs.
So, as you can imagine this is a BIG problem for Slow Carb dieters because there is a LOT of leeway. Does eating beans with every meal mean one cup? more? less?
So here’s where the BIG questions and the BIG challenge comes in.
The Slow Carb Diet is a low-carb diet.
Beans are ULTRA HIGH carb.
So why does Tim include them on the diet? Again, it is really NOT explained. So most people guess that the purpose of the beans is to make you feel full.