Preventing Side Effects When Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar

All the good without any of the bad

Jordan Fraser


Photo: Shelley Pauls via Unsplash

I’m someone that finds it very difficult to build a new habit. Whether it’s striving to eat more vegetables, or read instead of watching TV; I can’t seem to make anything stick.

The one habit I’ve managed to build and maintain over time is starting the day with a good ol’ apple cider vinegar cocktail.

Throwing them back

I use to drink shots of apple cider vinegar each morning because I heard that Hilary Duff does it. However like with most other celebrity habits, it turns out that this may have been a stupid thing to do.

About a week after beginning my daily vinegar shots, I developed a throat infection and needed to go on antibiotics.

I don’t really know whether the vinegar caused my infection, contributed to my infection, or even played a part; but I do know that drinking straight vinegar does go against the recommendations of both doctors and dentists.

Photo: Hike Shaw via Unsplash

Dentists say that because vinegar is so acidic, it begins eating away at our tooth enamel right after we…

