What Causes Low Iron and What Can You Do About It?

Kimberley Payne
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2019


Photo by Roy Buri via pixabay

Chronic fatigue started to get me down

Years ago, I’d go to sleep as early as my children and have difficulty getting out of bed twelve hours later. I’d then have to nap later in the afternoon. Upon my husband’s insistence, I finally made a doctor’s appointment.

My doctor ordered a series of tests, most of which I couldn’t even pronounce. Three weeks later, the results are in.

I am iron deficient.

I thank God that I wasn’t diagnosed with a life threatening disease. Iron deficiency is something that can be easily managed.

Iron is an essential mineral for life. It’s found in red blood cells and its job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. This oxygen releases energy from the foods you eat.

Some characteristics of low iron include:

  • weakness,
  • lethargy,
  • muscle fatigue, and
  • shortness of breath.

My doctor recommended iron supplement pills and choosing more colourful foods such as red meats, dark green vegetables, and the browns of whole grains.

Looking into it further, I learned that iron from meats, the “heme” form, is more…



Kimberley Payne

Jesus Follower. Oma. Author. Writing to help others grow closer to God. Download 5 Free Prayer Models at www.kimberleypayne.com/freebies/